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  1. T

    A load of bull?

    Small children, preferably the loud whiny ones. :lol:
  2. T

    Sudden mantis death

    My chinese mantis died yesterday with no warning. She had been doing great, from what I could tell. She was being fed every other day, and I misted her once a week. About three days before she died my mom pointed out that she had grown a little lighter in color, so she was a little yellowish. I...
  3. T

    SPORE, anyone?

    I was absolutely disappointed with SPORE. Way too short and it feels rushed. :(
  4. T

    Starting a cricket colony

    I think you guys are being a bit judgmental when it comes to roaches; Not all species are pests. I agree that it would be a bad idea to culture pest roaches, but you can get tropical species easily that will be unable to breed if they escape unless you keep your house very warm. Roaches have a...
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    Lets see what you use

    Ooooooh, you have yours in a paludarium. I've been meaning to set up something similar to that for land crabs, how did you do it?
  6. T

    Anyone else keep crustaceans?

    I was just wondering if any of you folks here have kept or keep any crustaceans? I currently have land hermit crabs(Coenobita clypeatus), and a bunch of freshwater copepods in my fishless aquarium. I'm saving up so I can start up another colony of cherry shrimp after the tank crash.
  7. T

    Are butterflies disappearing?

    Odd, I always see them in my mom's flowers. Saw a monarch last week by our milkweed patch, hopefully laying eggs as planned.
  8. T

    HIERODULA Grandis eyes problems

    Anyone else think the mantis looks sad? :lol:
  9. T

    Lost its head!

    She's been alive for what, 8 days now? She'll probably go soon, if she hasn't already. Most insects will last about a week after losing their head. Weird, considering how long they can go without eating, but I suppose the 'brain' they have controls some aspect of homeostasis, and the loss of...
  10. T

    Lost its head!

    I'm pretty sure it can't even stand up from the video.
  11. T

    Like a leg of lamb!

    Oooooh, thanks for the links and info. :)
  12. T

    Kill of the day

    Any of a number of species of wasp in the Sphecius genus. They're entomophagous parasites of cicadas. ...Why do I know so much about cicadas? I seriously do not remember reading this stuff. @.@
  13. T


    :D Great! Will keep an eye on her for the next few days, so here's hoping. Also, I'm pretty sure she's not tripping out. If she is, she's taking it well. :P
  14. T


    Okay, I fed my Chinese nymph today, but I noticed as she was eating the greenbottle fly that it had white mold on the underside of its abdomen. :o I took it away from her, just in case. It didn't move when she grabbed it. Should I be worried? She only ate the head and a bit of the thorax.
  15. T

    best prank ever!

    Put talcum powder in a balloon and inflate, then tell someone to pop it. You can also put some in the fans of a car, so that when the heat/air is put on it blows out a cloud. Something really mean is to put vinegar or salt in water and make ice cubes with it.
  16. T

    FS: Rare Red Widows and lots of other very neat stuff!

    Woah! Deinopidae spiders! Wish I had the money for some. :(
  17. T

    Lost its head!

    She'll live until she either starves or dehydrates to death, most likely the latter. Many insects can live after they've been decapitated, thanks to the way their nervous system is set up. I agree, a vid would be really neat. :P
  18. T

    best prank ever!

    Assuming the people can even figure out what the heck is keeping their lock from working. :rolleyes: A good prank is to get four chickens, put the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 on them and let them loose. People will go crazy looking for 4 and 5. :P
  19. T

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    You must have some really bright lighting or something for them to be flocking to your balcony like that. :lol:
  20. T

    Like a leg of lamb!

    It had to be a male, because they're the ones with the resonance chambers. :) I don't know how to tell them apart without cutting them open as you did, however. I guess if the male and the female are around the same size the female would be heavier. But that would require two specimens, and...