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  1. X

    Home Depot Home Made Enclosures

    Haha, yeah, just a smaller frame and a hinge, then I used an off-cut for a handle. :lol: The only problem is that the mesh I used is quite reflective in bright light so I am going to get some (non-toxic) matt grey spraypaint tomorrow for just the front netting (it doesn't show in the...
  2. X

    Dirty mantis!

    I don't think it will cause any problems. I've had to clean up my S.Lineola twice, but I've never had to with the rest. She had some debris on her eye and somehow got poo on the bottom of her wings. I just gently wiped her down with a damp cotton bud. If it's all dried up, it could take a while...
  3. X

    Home Depot Home Made Enclosures

    I made a couple of these today. I have zero woodwork experience, but they turned out ok, usable at least. :lol: I have the materials to make four more, so I'm gonna knock em up tomorrow.
  4. X

    S.Lineola - First ooth

    Thanks, I was worried she might be eggbound. I woke up this morning to a rather nice surprise! :clap:
  5. X

    S.Lineola - First ooth

    Hi guys, I bought an female adult S.Lineola a few weeks ago (August 18th), she was mated around August 11th at 3-4 weeks into adulthood. I've still not seen an ooth yet, she is huge and has looked like she has been ready to drop since I got her. Is this unusual? The ghost mantis I received at...
  6. X

    she ateeeeee

    So after 10 days without eating, she just this minute caught and ate a fly. ;) I'd say that is quite unusual for an adult female Ghost.. Thanks and sorry for the thread hijack! ^_^
  7. X

    she ateeeeee

    Thanks, Phil. I had 1 moth, 2 flies and 1 small locust in there. I have just the 2 flies in there now (taken the rest out), but i'll try leaving just one in there. The variety and amount of livefood was a result of my concern for her lack of eating. :lol: She really doesn't seem interested...
  8. X

    she ateeeeee

    I have an adult female Ghost that hasn't eaten in 8 days.. I have moths, flies and small locusts in there, she isn't interested. She is fairly plump still, she laid an ooth a few days prior to her last meal. Any suggestions, I don't think this is normal?
  9. X

    Home Depot Home Made Enclosures

    Nice enclosure, I'm waiting for my stuff to arrive to make some that are almost identical (differences being size: 8" x 8", baseboard at the bottom, and a door). I currently have something similar, which is a "dual" version of this, housing 2 mantids, but I didn't make it myself and I have more...
  10. X

    Final Molt - Pumping up wings

    Thanks again for the help via PM, Rick. After thinking about it, I'm strongly convinced it was a result of it's fall. She's eating and very active now, so I'm not too fussed. I'll clip her wings next week, though.
  11. X

    roaches as food

    I made the switch from crickets to turkistan roaches at the beginning of the year and I have to say they are absolutely perfect. Easy to care for, no mess/smell and they breed like crazy! I haven't had one die on me yet either. I find the freshly molted ones a bit creepy actually. *shudders*...
  12. X

    Final Molt - Pumping up wings

    Thanks for the feedback. 20 hours have passed now and still no improvement. I did manage to mist 30 mins before she molted as I sensed it would molt that day. I forgot to mention that she did have a minor fall around an hour after molting, could this explain it? She got straight back up and no...
  13. X

    Final Molt - Pumping up wings

    Hi guys, I have a chinese praying mantis that molted in to an adult about 5 hours ago. I'm a bit concerned as its wings haven't really pumped up much at all, especially the 2 wings underneath. Doesn't it usually only take a couple of hours max?
  14. X


    I started playing the guitar five years ago, however I haven't played much at all in the past two years; mainly because of my job and I couldn't put in the hours of practice I used to. I also left my guitars and equipment at my parents when I moved out. Coincidentally, my last day with said job...
  15. X

    First mantid - still not eating after molt

    Just to give this topic some closure, she is indeed eating now; although I have only just witnessed her eat for the first time today, it was great to see her hunt down and devour a cricket. I noticed she was eating last week though, as the flies and crickets would disappear the next day. Her...
  16. X

    x10 32 oz cups wanted

    Ah, failing that, if you know a Costco member, you can buy them there in bulk pretty cheap; where abouts in Manchester are you from?
  17. X

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    The one with hair. :lol:
  18. X

    x10 32 oz cups wanted

    Hello fellow manc =P Just go to a nearby chip shop, most use them as gravy tubs and will probably give them you. Or if you need clear plastic ones, try Wilkinsons. B)
  19. X

    PS3 Online

    Anyone for Bomberman, lol? PSN: Xeophonix
  20. X

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    Might as well post a few recent ones, probably going to be on this forum quite a lot lol