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  1. F

    A nice little surprise this morning.

    Here's some shots when I first got him:
  2. F

    A nice little surprise this morning.

    Thanks guys. A couple more shots. Here's his old exo. Check on the rear how it's kinda "bummed?" Really happy that he was able to straighten that out correctly. He likes the iPad. He gets as low as he can get on it...almost like he's laying on it. Haha.
  3. F

    A nice little surprise this morning.

    Here's what I found this morning: Stats: Name: Bark Gender: Male Size: Easily 4" in "twig" pose He had a minor mismolt last time to where his leg was crooked. I'm amazed at his healthy size right after his molt. He doesn't even look like he needs food yet...haha. This final molt...
  4. F'd like of my popa snatching a cricket

    If you guys want to see what it looks like when a mantid poops...go to :36. :)
  5. F'd like of my popa snatching a cricket

    6 breaks in abdomen = male I always thought. Edit: I have this backwards. I suppose if there's six, it's a female. Goody! Can't wait until she becomes nice and fat. She ate two crickets today. Video was of her seconds. ;) Edit 2: upon watching the video again I count 8. That means male. I...
  6. F'd like of my popa snatching a cricket

    He's still a sub adult. One last molt to go.
  7. F'd like of my popa snatching a cricket

    Not as nice as your videos Precarious. Make sure to switch it to 1080p. This was taken with an iPhone 4S. Pretty amazed at the quality.
  8. F


    L7 now, I believe. No wings quite yet.
  9. F

    Humbertiella ceylonica

    Beautiful! Lookin close to a cockroach...
  10. F


    I knew it! I knew something was going on....Check out what I just found when I got home: Just like with my last mantis; molting happens so fast that it just comes and goes.
  11. F


    Anyone have any pictures of what it looks like when Mantids are about to molt? I usually feed my mantis with tweezers. He's an L6 Spurca, and he's been eating houseflies and butterflies for the past couple weeks. However, since it appears that he is close to molting (I think), I just placed the...
  12. F

    Does your Mantid eat raw mean?

    Thanks for the advice. I keep meat constantly in my fridge for my own eating. I might tear off a chunk and see what the mantid does. Wouldn't be on a regular schedule, but it can't be that bad for them as long as it's fresh. May even make them even bigger! :) I'm cringing at the typo in the...
  13. F

    A Mantis I've found

    And you, along with like, one other person, deserve that "obscene" gesture. Accept it, and let it sink in. As I've said: good day, and I don't care hearing from you and the other pretentious, antagonizing, crude, and patronizing cohorts. That includes about 2 people out of this entire thread...
  14. F

    Does your Mantid eat raw mean?

    Wondering if this would be a good idea to introduce to the mantid every now and then: That is, if they actually eat it like this one does.
  15. F


    beautiful chinese mantid
  16. F

    First Sphodromantis "Blue Flash" Adult Pair!

    Some cool lookin 'tids you got there.
  17. F

    A Mantis I've found

    Will you give it a F*#@ing rest? Don't patronize me again. You have no idea who you are talking to. And sorry, you are wrong. Several people have problems touching insects alone. Several more people have problems touching deformed/crippled insects. I'm fine with it, but my pet is also here for...
  18. F

    A Mantis I've found

    Yea. A very sad day for me today and I'm glad it's almost over. I really loved my mantid, and she really warmed up to me in no time. Looked forward to coming home and feeding it, and holding it once in awhile. :( :( There's always tomorrow, which I'm able to now avoid the problem from here on...
  19. F

    A Mantis I've found

    Good info. Thanks for the help. :)