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  1. Plex

    Happy Birthday Paradoxica

    Happy birthday man! HOpe you have a great day-sounds like it definitely had a great start!
  2. Plex

    Happy, Happy Birthday Agent A!!!!!

    Happy birthday Alex!! :D
  3. Plex


    My order arrived swiftly and he was in quick correspondence the entire time- the nymphs all arrived healthy and happy and I would definitely be willing to do business again in the future!
  4. Plex

    WTB good 'beginner' species

    A friend of mine has decided she wants to start keeping mantids and I offered to get her one or two to start with; she was not interested in my Chinese babies and I do not have many left, and my Limbatas have not laid ooths yet, so I'm here looking for her. She seems interested in Hierodula...
  5. Plex

    WTB ghosts around L6

    Hello all, I would like to buy a few ghosts around L6, preferably females as I am currently lacking in females. PM me with price and shipping!
  6. Plex

    Fish tanks/Fish and birds!

    Geeze, I never came across that with them.. I don't think that's normal... Haha I do have parakeets, they are much louder than the tiels, and I think they tend to rile up the tiels more than they usually would be. I'd love to have a macaw someday though.. gorgeous birds. Beautiful bird for sure!
  7. Plex

    Europe bound...

    Well welcome home...
  8. Plex

    Atlas Moth

    Gorgeous! Loving the patterns. Atlas.. Loving the name too of the species. "Would you kindly?"
  9. Plex

    Fish tanks/Fish and birds!

    They can be loud, but I love their personalities; one is rather stand offish of my three, and he's the one not pictured, but Murphy is my little buddy and on occassion will go along with me as I feed the other critters. Connor is more hyper though and can't be around the other animals too much...
  10. Plex

    Puppies.. puppies everywhere!

    More coming soon- Luna got into the mud yesterday and decided to act very photogenic!
  11. Plex

    Moth Interest Survey

    After looking up some about these guys I would love to get into Actias luna, Dyrocampa rubicunda, or Automeris io depending on price and availability! They're gorgeous- I'd just have to research rearing/care for them and figure out where to keep them!
  12. Plex

    Moth Emergence Order Guessing Game!!!

    Here's my list- I also used a randomizer online since I also honestly have no idea about moth emergence! :P actias luna callosamia promethean samia cynthia antheraea polyphemus dyrocampa rubicunda automeris io
  13. Plex

    Ootheca Candeling

    I agree with Krissim Klaw- with my luck and lack of grace/ability with fire.. I'd accidentally make toasty toasty ooth. :blush:
  14. Plex

    Rhombodera cf valida Hatch

    Look at all those little buggers! I have a female without a male, unfortunately I don't think I'll have any offspring from her since I don't know of anyone with males her age. I'd love to get some from you when you're selling them off as well!
  15. Plex

    Successful hatch!

    That would be cool, I'll be setting some free in my front yard and some free at the park, hopefully some do make it to adult and breed; it would be cool to find wild oothecae over the summer. :) Thank you
  16. Plex

    Guess Who Else Had a Tenodera Hatch?

    Congrats! I had a few deaths overnight here but I have well over a hundred and more still hatching! Guess it's just that time of year! I'm waiting on my second one to start hatching still.
  17. Plex

    ok, bored and can't help myself!

    Just a wee bit of a problem eh?
  18. Plex

    Fish tanks/Fish and birds!

    Thank you. They are fun fish aren't they? We used to have a sunset gourami and a powder blue at different points in time, the sunset gourami lived for almost four years and the powder blue around the same, this is our first time with a gold one. Thank you! If I can get them to calm down I might...
  19. Plex

    Fish tanks/Fish and birds!

    They are, we have three but I only got photos of those two since the third is stand-offish; he was neglected by his last owner and still doesn't trust us much even after nearly two years. The pleco, the gold gourami, two neon tetras, a peacock eel, a black skirt tetra, an electric green tetra, a...
  20. Plex

    Successful hatch!

    Thanks D_hemptress, and okay BugLover, I'll keep probably a dozen from each ooth then since there's such a high death rate.