A mantids abode


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Active member
Apr 10, 2009
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im new to mantids i dont have one yet :( but i will soon :p

i will be getting Giant rainforest mantids :D

my big problem is that i dont know how big the cage has to be or

what temperature they like :(

so im asking you :lol:

If you live in Australia then room temp is fine. Though as its getting colder here with the onset of winter you may want to put them in a warm area of the house just to make sure they dont get too cold. As usual, enclosure should be approx 3x he length of the mantid in height and at least 1.5x in length. I used to use the giant frosty cups from Maccas. cut a hole in the side, add some netting, plug the hole in the lid with foam and you got yourself a nifty mantid enclosure. If you ask management at your local store nicely they'll happily give you a 30 pack of those cups for free.

Giant Rainforest Mantid? Could be any thing, you'll have try and find out the scientific name or at least a more common common name (not one that the seller has just made up) if you want some help on it's husbandary. A pic would be good to if you can get it.

Giant Rainforest Mantid? Could be any thing, you'll have try and find out the scientific name or at least a more common common name (not one that the seller has just made up) if you want some help on it's husbandary. A pic would be good to if you can get it.
He does say H.majascula in another post. I guess that they are in culture in the US and Europe, but native to oz, as Superfreak points out. They'd be Very Expensive over here, and not the best choice for a beginner.

I love a mystery, mate, but it does slow us down a bit if we don't know what you normal conditions are. Superfreak is raising this species and the search engine should show you some of her pix. If you get stuck, you might want to contact her.

My guess is that you live on the top of the Franz Joseph or Fox glacier! Brrr!

At my house in summer it can get up to 36 degrees and in winter it goes down to -3 degrees

and the species that i will be getting is called Hierodula majuscula

unfortunately i dont know how to post a pic yet :(

and im really sorry but i cant post any personnel details

my mum is paranoid <_<

Haha your mum is obviously computer illiterate, or else thinks the rest of the world is extremely dumb. If anyone wanted to know anything about you they already would. Your obviously in early highschool or late primary, gaging simply from the nuances in your word choice and your situation with your parents. You are on your home computer (which will leave a specific signature with each post you leave anywhere on any forum). From the information you have already provided about living in the southern hemisphere and your temperature ranges plus the species of mantis youre looking to get (considering its the only mantid currently being advertised online on a site easily accessible to young people.), we can already see youre from Australia. Possibly (but unlikely) youre from a smaller island close by. From the temps in your home id guess youre living either somewhere down south, like ACT or Victoria or youre closer to the mountains, west of NSW.

There are only two users from Australia on here and neither of them are interested in hunting you down. Everyone else who is on the other side of the globe is probably similarly disinterested in paying for a flight to visit you. There is plenty of underage poontang to be found all around the world.

Plus the date of your mantids' arrival coincides with the shipping date and expected shipping duration of the Minibeasts organisation.

Plus the date of your mantids' arrival coincides with the shipping date and expected shipping duration of the Minibeasts organisation.
You're a cold, cruel woman, Superfreak!


This is all conjecture on Superfreak's part, and none of us really knows where you come from. If you Email Deanna again, though, tell her that PhilinYuma says Hi! :p

25 degrees Celsius is the temperature you're looking for anyway. Try not to muck around with that range. Close the windows in winter & mist them generously (not to drown them though) in summer. You'll notice its appetite is directly proportionate to the temp.

Superfreak: he could well be from Australia. maybe even glorious Sydney WOO YEAH. Doesn't fluctuate in temp too much in the south of the city apart from those occasional absolute stinkers (45oC or 113oF), but then again Sydney was(is?) 3rd largest city in the world in area.

the temp is doin fine with the help of my heat mat the lowest its gone so far is 21 degrees and the highest is 30

it all depends on the normal temp

well you forgot to mention that you have a heat mat. or was that information also too personal? you'll do fine wih a heat mat. i dont have one and mine survive perfectly well. like james says, just keep the windows closed.

sorry about being such a crankypants. my medication is obviously acting up again. i should watch out or i might set my collar off. (*ZAP!*)

ill probably need my own medication soon for my memory :unsure:

when i need help i need to help other people to get it and its not helpful to be fogetfull :(

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