Blepharopsis Consolidated


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I never paid that close attention to the number of instars with this species, and I had trouble finding valid information when I googled. My two adult females are calling all the time now. But my first adult male has just molted a week ago. My first female that molted (the green morph) already laid an ooth yesterday. Of course, it's not fertile.... If I raise another generation, I'll separate one nymph and document each molt.

Hi I am going to be having a 5th instar female Blepharopsis mendica come live with me soon :) This thread has been a very useful read thanks guys :D

subadult female bleph:





anyone else seen purple bleph disease? i think it's some sorta infection, look at that purpley on the abdomen!

this guy was farthest away from heat lamp

maybe cooler temps contribute to pbd???


That's too bad. How long after it died did you take that photo? I haven't had any issues with older nymphs dying for no apparent reason. Are you still keeping yours dry? I was saddened that I lost one of my adults (offspring from original) after I moved her to a room where the temps got too cold a few days. She stopped eating and never recovered, and I feel like it was my fault. The rest of mine are doing well.

On a positive note, my first adult female has already laid four ooths. The first one is definitely not fertile since she laid it prior to mating. Time will tell if the others are fertile.

Oh, and I found that one of my sub adult nymphs is green!

No I dont. I noticed with another species. My male H. majucula. I froze him cause he was nearly alive but couldnt support himself up and wouldnt eat. Then I forgot about him and he turned a brownish/redish/ purplish color when I found him in the freezer

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