Blepharopsis Consolidated


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Aw :( got to report that my little Blepharopsis mendica died today. I found her dead on the floor of her cage when I got home from work :( She hadnt been trying to shed or anything, she just died. So sad as she was beautiful.

Good news! I will be raising another generation of Blepharopsis mendica mantids!

My first female (offspring from my original) molted to an adult on March 5. She laid her first ooth on March 26 before she mated. I mated her a few days later, and she laid her second ooth on April 1. Today it hatched. The hatchrate is low for an early ooth. There are 20 - 21 live nymphs and one hanging from the ooth. It's possible that more could hatch from the ooth. This female has laid a total of nine ooths so far! When she lays them close together, they are on the small side, but when she waited 6 - 7 days in between they are much larger. She laid her third ooth on April 5. We'll see if that one hatches next week!

Good news! I will be raising another generation of Blepharopsis mendica mantids!

My first female (offspring from my original) molted to an adult on March 5. She laid her first ooth on March 26 before she mated. I mated her a few days later, and she laid her second ooth on April 1. Today it hatched. The hatchrate is low for an early ooth. There are 20 - 21 live nymphs and one hanging from the ooth. It's possible that more could hatch from the ooth. This female has laid a total of nine ooths so far! When she lays them close together, they are on the small side, but when she waited 6 - 7 days in between they are much larger. She laid her third ooth on April 5. We'll see if that one hatches next week!
Nice work! Was this the green sub female?
Nice work! Was this the green sub female?
Yes, she was the original green nymph that is in an earlier post in this thread. I had a second adult female but she died a few days after I moved her away from the heat and into another room. I'm not sure that's why, but I suspect it is since that is the first adult b mendica I've had that died prematurely. I had another nymph turn green as a sub adult, though she wasn't quite as vibrant as the first one. She molted to an adult last week. I sold my adult male, but I have one sub adult and a few pre sub males. I also have about a dozen nymphs, and there are probably a few more males.
Ok so I thought one wuz moltin to adult but it turns out it was only molting to subadult!! :eek:

It's now an L8 female and is huge!! R u sure they can molt to adult in an 80oz cup??

Yes, most of mine have molted in 80 ounce containers. I had one molt to an adult over the weekend in the net, and her wings aren't normal. I'm not sure what happened to her. Apparently she didn't hang the right way.

Tell yours to hurry up! One of their sisters has already laid 12 ooths so far. Six of them have hatched (including one today).

Yes, most of mine have molted in 80 ounce containers. I had one molt to an adult over the weekend in the net, and her wings aren't normal. I'm not sure what happened to her. Apparently she didn't hang the right way.

Tell yours to hurry up! One of their sisters has already laid 12 ooths so far. Six of them have hatched (including one today).
Tammy I am afraid to ask how u keep yours

U get yours to adulthood and make them more prolific than CREOBROTER 2 times over while mine r not even adults yet

R u injecting them with muscle milk again? :p

Tammy I am afraid to ask how u keep yours

U get yours to adulthood and make them more prolific than CREOBROTER 2 times over while mine r not even adults yet

R u injecting them with muscle milk again? :p
I keep mine warm and well fed. Three of you have nymphs from my first two ooths that hatched. I only kept a small number from those first two ooths, and they all molted to adults. The rest of my stock are from the third and fourth ooths that hatched in late December/early January. They are pre and sub adults now. One other forum member has offspring from my nymphs, too. I guess mine really like hanging out in the laundry room. Now my Idolos are another story.... I have my third nymph turn green. This one is a sub adult male!

pic of subadult:



I don't mean to sound like a troll but... I told you so :tt2:

Thanks guys, your thread has been helpful, especially since i'm getting a bleph on Wednesday... can't wait!

What kind of mantis is eating ur mismolt bleph A? Looks pretty

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