Blepharopsis Consolidated


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I had a female-female cannabalism this morning but no play dead :(
Darn! You have to separate yours or you will only have one pair as adults. They would be a super couple though...
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Here is the photo of my green nymph that I promised. So far, it's the only one that has changed to green.


Well, I'm sad to report that my female b. mendica that produced all of the fertile ooths died today. She was about 10 months old and molted to an adult about 6 months ago. I don't know what the average life for a female b. mendica is. I was hoping she would live long enough for the first of her offspring to molt to adults. Her sister is still doing well and continues to lay infertile ooths.

My female (mama) b. mendica was amazing! Between 10/12/11 - 2/12/12 (last date is approximate as I didn't initially notice the ooth), she laid a total of 17 ooths. Twelve of the first fifteen ooths hatched. The first, sixth and thirteenth ooths did not hatch. I think I know why the first and sixth ooths did not hatch, but I'm not sure what happened with the thirteenth. It will be interesting to see if the last two ooths hatch.

Good to hear that. I'm slowing my males down so I might have to wait another week before L7.


i have 3 L6 females, 1 L7 female, and 1 L4 female (mistook her for a male)

but the L4 disappeared :(

i have 9 or 10 blephs left, not bad :) and tammy is loaded with them in case i need a few extras (doubt i will however) :)
