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I ordered some more crickets and asked them not to put in carrots with them, use potato instead and they did! I was so surprised. They look nice and got some mixed sizes in there!


New peeps may not have waltzed through this thread yet. So, put on the kettle, grab a snack and browse the pages of "Bugatorium". Real inspiration...

I will have to update this post, only thing happening today is hundreds of yellow jackets are coming in from I think the recessed ceiling lights! Oh mama! where is my bug spray! :oops: , can't use that in here! :helpsmilie: Oh :poop: :taz:

It is! to me, anyone keeping a bug is impressive! Being I spent most of my life running from them! :scooter:

Yes but having thousands is QUITE impressive. Now, as far as other invertebrates goes I have quite a few. I have 2 millipedes, 30 or so Bess beetles, about 10 stag beetle larvae, about 5 scarab larvae, a click beetle larvae, and one ant farm of Monomorium spp. I used to have some more millipedes (5 more) and a lot more Bess beetles. Also, a Camponotus americanus ant farm.

And the adult male mantids are dying off now! OH THE AGONY AND DESPAIR! :blush: The females are doing better though, and most have already mated (ALL of the Stagmomantis have). :stuart:

Not in centipieds, or millys! awful things I intend to ask Jesus about when I go home!

here is pic of some of the yellow jackets that wandered into the Bugatorium today.


I brought some eggs while shoppin the other day, and guess where I left them? Thats right , in the car! :taz:


So I cooked them up for the roaches, will freeze them now in small sandwich b ags and take them out as needed. Hubby was worried we would eat them by mistake :2guns: , I asked him when did I ever cook and freeze eggs? :stupid:

When you feed eggs to your roaches will it make them smell? I fed mine brocolli once and will never do it again, :no: they smelled bad for a few days. :pinch: I think it gave them mad gas or something. :mellow:

I haven't fed them eggs in a couple years, so I don't remember, but they got it last night, so I will soon see!

When you feed eggs to your roaches will it make them smell? I fed mine brocolli once and will never do it again, :no: they smelled bad for a few days. :pinch: I think it gave them mad gas or something. :mellow:
Yes, broccoli has that effect on me sometimes too! :pinch: :poop: :whistling:

at least i am able to get cages for low prices for my mantises

my dubia roaches still haven't given birth

you are very awesome at keeping mantises

i hope one day to at least get a shelf for my mantises

you go above and beyond that, which is very admirable

keep us posted!!!


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