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I did feed them the scrambled eggs, no smell from them, but the eggs next evening was awful! I left them on purpose cause they did not eat much of them, they ate my grain mix instead, so I punished them by leaving it there, hoping they would eat it, only thing happened is it smelled so bad, I just punished myself! :tt2: I bad mama!

Ok! Got some new ooths coming, will have to check some of the names, it is cold here now, so it is going to be work to keep everybody warm!

Any new pictures? Like... new molts, etc? Also.. a look at what species you currently hold? I'd love to see inside this mantidheaven!!!

Fuzzyhead is the sweetest baby I ever seen, I just can't get over him! I have been so busy with the new pc that I havent any time for fun in my room, ready to pull my hair out, does that count?

Aww, I love babies, they r just so adorable :)

My biology teacher has the cutest little baby and he tried to put my finger in his mouth so now we have this joke that he is a cannibal :p

Good times :D and don't u worry im not giving up on those pseudoharpax yet :)

Nice! I was wondering, how do you keep the temperature in the room just right for all the species you' ve got?

Also if you don't mind me asking, about how many mantids do you have?

The room temp in winter is not more than 75F in summer it is hot! I got lots of mantis, roaches, crick and flies! can't count them, they wont be still! lol. yea Fuzzyhead has blond hair and right above his ears it is like 2" long on each side, and when I hold him it tickles my cheek, granny loves her baby, will post pic later today!

Check out my new mating tents! Seven sheild couples checked in a while ago and all seem happy
Are those the tents that are meant to protect your food from flies at picnics? BRILLIANT!!

It's amazing the way having bugs to feed and raise changes the way you look at the world. Every crawly critter I see outside now is a potential diet enrichment for somebody. I'm traveling with little sauce cups for meals on wheels collection.

haha, good one! Yea, like when u c;an't finish at a resturant, and say "can I have a doggy bag for my roaches? lol


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