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Thanks. I thought it might be too big, but my budwing had no problem finding the cricket I threw in there with her. She actually jump of a branch onto the cricket. I think she molted on the bottom of her previous enclosure standing up. Hopfully this enclosure will fix that.

Thanks for everything Hibiscusmile.

Another method for hanging mantis who cannot hang! I have some jumping spiders in the Bugatorium and a couple in a short retangle and I took some of her web and slung it around a stick so I could attach my medincas feet to it as she cannot stand, she just molted and was doing poorly, I could not get her to hang and thought I would try this and it is 3rd day and she is eating and looking better.


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haha, thanks, never was a saint before! This really worked, I was trying to figure out how to help her as no matter what I did, she fell, I know she would of died otherwise, and I thought of something sticky, and this was what I hoped would work, she does not have to move anywhere, so she can molt her final here and hopefully she will be ok then. We will wait and see, ps, thanks spiderman!

Man! I just watched the one where bones and the curly haired guy got kidnapped and buried, really good show! ck out criminal minds, or maybe not, don't want u getting addicted to that, and we are way off topic here! We will have to start a post in other discussions.

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We do lol!!! I'm sad that the curly haired guy shortened his hair and beard, he looked funny with a big beard, especially when he did that experiment with the other guy to see how high a body had to be dropped :)

She fell again an is rejecting food, she is not due to molt, got some new web and will hand feed her tomorrow and rehang her, she is now still in old web, but I want to take her in hand tomorrow, she is bad girl.

Also I have brought 2 ooths from Poland and they have a funny glue or something stuck to them and when I use my glue gun they fall off, I don't want to pull his glue off as it is on pretty good and I do not want to disturb the ooth by possibly removing some of it when I take it off, so I decided to just sew thru the old glue and hand it on the lid, this is working without disturbing the ooth as both fell off twice already.

You can sew thru an ooth anywhere near the outside edges, just take your needle and go thru the ooth material, best to do where she started to lay or the end, but even the sides are ok, it only takes one thread to hold it. I am using new pc, if I can tomorrow I will take pic for you.
