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Some animals and insects will be inbreed so many times, that even though they mate in future generations, they do not have offspring, I find this a lot in mantids, a lot do not agree with me, but this is my opinion and I cannot find any other reason for this. I have talked with professors and they do agree with me that they eventually breed out due to bloodlines being exhausted.
So you know about agentA's stock? Or is the entire species that we keep totally inbred?

the entire stock most likely, as if only one person, lets say Agent A brings in a papa ooth that is wild caught, it hatches, he sells the nymphs, everyone who buys them raises them and mates them, then resell the nymphs, eventually this line will die out, no one but Agent A brought in any new stock, all were started with his, even though I may buy some from blab blab and then get some from yatta yatta, they still are siblings and will eventually die off.

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the entire stock most likely, as if only one person, lets say Agent A brings in a papa ooth that is wild caught, it hatches, he sells the nymphs, everyone who buys them raises them and mates them, then resell the nymphs, eventually this line will die out, no one but Agent A brought in any new stock, all were started with his, even though I may buy some from blab blab and then get some from yatta yatta, they still are siblings and will eventually die off.
ok well here's wat happened

i got 4 L1 popa from yen february last year

2 made it to adulthood, a pair

the female ate the male before mating

rebecca sent me a male from her stock

rich s sent me a male thinking it was a female

rich's male died of an infection 2 days later

then rebecca's male must've mated with my female before being eaten by her, since i sent rebecca the 3rd ooth from her and it hatched

i sent the female to rich s and she laid her 4th ooth before dying

then about 2 months ago carey sent me a pair

they just mated the other day and i am sendin the male to mime and i think his females r unrelated

so my pair is related but if mime mates his females with my unrelated male and they all have babies, my babies and his will be half siblings and not direct siblings so breeding those together wont be as serious... or so i think

All my popas come from SSimsswiSS, so I don't think that they're related to A's. We should make a family tree for the species we keep. It's almost a necessity if we're going to start taking inbreeding seriously.

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ok, New website up, which is the old site! haha, and new site is up, which is now www.mantidpets.com! new items coming this week to, so shop either site!

I'm lost mantidpets ?

thought mantid pets was the other site we were comparing the day

dont mind me just confuddled LOL

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So you have 2 sites now? I like the new site! Why don't you combine them? Is there gonna be an ooth page on the new site? Like live ooths

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When I search for mantidpets.com

It thinks it's an error so it pulls up Mantispets.

You have to go back and click on small writing that says search mantiDpets?

For it to actually search that.

dont rally know, the new site wasnt picking up google, so had to reopen the old site, when I find out how to fix it I will, but try


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I tried to fix my signature so u can click on either site. see if it works someone. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wow nice new site! Do you have all the mantids that are listed? Namely Didymocorypha Lanceolata Gongylus Gonglodes Hagiotata hofmanni Idolomorpha lateralis Zoolea Spec?


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