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no, some of the things on the new site, needs work, I fixed two today, and maybe some more tomorrow. it does not say those are all in stock, do they? no sleep tonight.

I have a place on the site for just adult mantis if anyone is looking for some. Also had a bad day with waiting for my 50,000 bb maggots! The fed ex man came and handed me a small box with a cell phone in it :mad: . Tried to call the number on the slip inside, no help, turns out he took my package to the address the cell phone went to and I got theirs, wish I could of seen their face when they opened it and saw all those maggots, I better sleep with me weapon tonight! :clown: . Dear God, fed ex was no help at all, said the driver left the package by their door. Tried to tell her they were perishable and had to be in fridge, and that they would not be alright overnight outside, but she did not seem to understand, ok, well how bout this, take and put them in your fridge and in the morning go fry an egg! :stuart: u think then she would understand? Also Fuzzy seems to have a bit of a cold coming on, he was fussy all day, poor baby! Grannyma is tired! oh, in case no one noticed flies will be late this week, chuck also sent flies that were hatching in shipping friday and I will not send them to anyone, so am waiting on new ones from him....... which brings me to a tune....

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NO, just whatever adults that have no mates or overstocks, so males can happen. Beware, I do not sell males without their heads! :tt2:

Orin is a great friend, he comes and tells me stories that make my girls hairs stand on end! :tt2:

Ok, will try to get some photos this weekend for you guys!

I got one of the multispina males and he is a doll! Sorry Martha, he's mine! I named him Hercules.

I would love to visit and help with shipping. I know I could learn so much from you.

Like: how do you feed all your babies fruit flies without going nuts? I end up with them all over the table and even me!

haha, ancient Chinese secret! I do get a few on my, but rarely ever do they get loose, for some reason they get out of some of my containers, haven't figured out how though.



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