Due to the numerous requests I have on how to make the containers look nice I thought I would just post it here.
Here's how the (Bugmiester, new name precious gave me) makes the mantis houses! First you need the plastic house

, then you need a
drill and a hole saw the size to fit the hole you want to make.
After drilling, you need to debur the hole with a razor knife.
Next, you need some flowers and leaves from Walmart
or craft store.
I use the flower heads, the leaves, and the stems,
depending on what kind of mantis I am going to house. If it
is a Dead Leaf, I like to put a big leaf at the bottom of the
container and a stem with a small flower on it. The stem is
bent with a small pair of needlenose pliers into an L shape
and the L is hot glued to the bottom, kinda like a flag pole
with the flower as the flag! Then I just start hot gluing the
flowers and leaves inside the container.
I try to make sure that there is something every inch
and a half around the container. This is so the mantis can walk
around and has sure footing, otherwise they do not seem
comfortable when trying to move from one place to another.
The last thing I do is hot glue screen to the
opening I made with the drill and the lid.
Now the most important thing about making an enclosure for
your mantis is the Hot Glue! The glue will be sticky even when cold. Sticky glue will trap your mantis and he will lose extreminities
and maybe even his life. I use mineral oil very lightly. VERY LIGHTLY,
I repeat. This is because oil is used to smother insects, fish,
avians and the like. I really prefer to use Ear Wax! But most
of the time I do not have enough of my own to go around.
That's it! Laugh and get it out of your system!

Ok are
you done yet! Good, Sometimes when visitors come I make
em leave their ear wax at the door. ha ha, Or you can use a
greasy forehead, all you gotta do when hubby or misses comes
in from work is just rub their temples like you want to relax them
and walaah! you have grease that won't hurt the mantis!
Rub this on the glue and you should be all set. I do wash the
containers out before desticking them. Usually the only part
you need to worry aabout is the lid with the screen, if you are
careful with your glue when applying it, the flowers and leaves
should cover it up. I do not use a substrate in my containers as
I can easily wash them out once a week very quickly while feeding.
Hope this helps all you DIY-ers!