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I use just plain old non toxic glue for glue guns. It is not sticky at all when dry. You need different glue. Actually I have never seen hot glue that dried sticky.
I went out and brought what Yen and Ogiga suggested. It worked fine!

If you want to get more butterflies, I advise a butterflybush. I have two in my back yard and I get everything from common butterflies to sallowtails to hummingbird moths. The bushes are really pretty too and they come in pink purple and white. Just a little tip.

Your room is amazing, everything is so clean and organized. *looks at her pathelic exusce for a room, which happens to be covered in bottles amd wire mesh*

Ohhhh, you've got me thinking of plans for my own bug room when I get my own place. *can't wait till she moves out now*

Do you happen to be selling the cups you hold you ooths in? I am in need so some. ;)

That was funny, "as I pick myself off of the floor where I fell laughing". Thanks for the compliment. Of Course I sell containers, email me at [email protected] and we will chat about it! Ps who do u want to move out :huh: BTW, love the avatar!

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I posted here about Wind! http://mantidforum.net/forums/index.php?sh...pic=8526&hl=

and this is what I came up with for some wind in the Bugatorium! Whata you think?


That was funny, "as I pick myself off of the floor where I fell laughing". Thanks for the compliment. Of Course I sell containers, email me at [email protected] and we will chat about it! Ps who do u want to move out :huh: BTW, love the avatar!
:lol: Heheh, thank you.

Your very welcome, you room is too amazing to not compliment. ;)

I'll be e-mailing you later then and I'll be glad to chat.

I was refering to myself when I said she, sorry for not making that clear. I'm still a junoir in high school so I have yet to escape the grasp of my parents.

Heheh Thanks so much. I doodled that ages ago.

This was under Breeding and Nymph care titled "moving nymphs to a bigger container". I just spent 20 minutes looking for it for someone, so I copied it to here for quick refrence.

I usually have my husband help me, it's too hard to do alone, he has big hands and fingers, but is very gentle,

it comes from handling glass for 30 years, (and of course me)! :lol:

Only thing is he does not take pictures, I make him stand by and catch all the runaways:}.

I use a white tray with sides, this came from an underthebed sweater container, it was inside of it for small things.

I get setup with everything I need, the babies, their new home and my ever trusty Bamboo Screwer! (I noticed Nick is selling them on his site)

I have always used a bamboo screwer (10-12") to work with my Mantis. It is like a lion tamers whip. I move them with the screwer all the time,

I use it for ff catching (they crawl out of ff container onto it to their doom) and chasing crickets around their containers to get the

mantis attention if they happen to not notice dinner! It is the greatest thing for babies, It is light (weight) and rough (for bugs to grab).

So # 1 is the setup with everything ready...even hubby!

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#2 is taking off the lid of their current home, notice I am picking them

off the inside of the lid, these have to come off first, unless an

escapee is on the rim.
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#3 is catching the ones running up and out onto the rim, notice them on the bamboo and on my thumb!

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#4 is removing the excelsior and the ones on it all in one move.

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#5 is catching any remaining nymphs hiding inside old container. and tapping it on the rim to make them fall inside. (careful you don't hit

one in the head)! Notice the one on rim under bamboo.

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And #6 is a quick mist and some ff and putting out the closed sign!

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Of course as always, this is how I do it, it was easy tongiht for some reason, maybe they did not want to be in pictures! It is fun, and sometimes I just stand there when they get out all over the place

and say "Good Lord" Help!

Hibiscu .. it seems as if you moved them from the 3 inch tall containers to the 8 inch tall ones (or thereabouts in size). Is it important to use the 2 different sizes or can they just be put into the taller on to start with ? Might I ask what would a potential problem be with skipping the smaller size containers ?

this is an amazing thread..thank u for sharing that with us..its helped out alot..i think iv been going wrong..?i was keeping them in tanks like this but now i know there to big..what size would u sergest i have for a female asain prey mantis..?

oh your room is very smart..amazing stuff.

Yeah Andrew, i would do the same :rolleyes: but i know Becky always gives her mantids TLC :)

Geoff_k, you can glue the ooth directly on the 32 oz plastic cup if you like. Relocate all this little road runners isn't easy, i always need extra pair of eyes and hands to watchout for the one that slip.

Becky, glad the new glue gun works for you, now you have to use your ear wax for some other reasons :D

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LOL, you're so careful with them. I just shake the container like heck until they all fall out. :p
Hehe I just stick my hand in front of them and try to grab them (though gently). :p

Rebecca, you are so organized. Such a wonderful bugroom and methods of transferring your nymphs! My bug "room" is a total dump compared to yours. :eek: :lol:

Sorry so late with my reply, been busy moving babies,,,ha ha ha . I start with a smaller container because (Just having a little fun) :p

A: I have a lot in my incubator and need the room

B: I only have small containers

or C: better for them to find the food

Thats right A & C is the answer! Depending on the ooth size and quanity being hatched I match the container to them. This way they stay in there for a good week and usually after the first molt I move them, then when they molt to the 3rd instar I usually seperate them if they are any good size at all. I must tell you they are stinkers to move. You really need a couple of tango lessons to keep up with them. :lol:

Yes Yen, I will find another use for the wax. Oh by the way my hubby was making a Wedding Cake Plate for a lady down the street (www.carolsspecialoccassions.com) cause she does wedding cakes and the floral arrangements and he was rubbing the side of his nose and touched the edge of the acrylic and since his nose was greasy (usually is at midnight) it rubbed off on the edge. He then decided face grease was as good as wax! ha ha! Waste not, want not I always say hee hee


mantida: If I stuck my rough hands on them I would probably crush them. The last couple of nights I went to bed with socks on my hands, I had to use baby mineral oil on them they are so rough!

Andrew, I will have to call the SPCI on you! Just shake them!

Macro Junkie, I have my adult mantis in my smallest container you see here in the Bugatorium, and I have not lost one yet. They molt fine in there. I could not believe it myself, but almost 50 have molted in them. Go with something as they say 3 x the height and twice the length and you will do fine. The big containers are ok if you make sure they can find the food. I Personaly make sure everyone catches the food, unless they get flies and then they are on their own, the crickets are dangerous if they get loose and the worms, well let's just say I don't want to be sticking my hand in something with a worm on the loose.

Thanks for the compliments guys, I try to hard most of the time and mantis just because they are bugs is no exception!!!

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Here's a 20 oz clear plastic drink cup with modified lid. The lid has the straw slot pushed out instead of in for the air flow, the lid has a net hot glued to it for the mantis to hang onto. These were good used as houses for the mantis that went to EdisonWoods in the video with the mantis. They can house a mangtis for quite a while.. they make an inexpensive way to house a lot of mantis too.

Here's a 20 oz clear plastic drink cup with modified lid. The lid has the straw slot pushed out instead of in for the air flow, the lid has a net hot glued to it for the mantis to hang onto. These were good used as houses for the mantis that went to EdisonWoods in the video with the mantis. They can house a mangtis for quite a while.. they make an inexpensive way to house a lot of mantis too.
any pics?

:lol: That's too funny, could you tell I was tired. I stayed up extra to take pic and didn't put it on here, so much for the age of computers, I still have to do everything...[SIZE=8pt]I can't believe it[/SIZE]...[SIZE=8pt]mmumble. mumble.blah, :rolleyes: [/SIZE]


:lol: That's too funny, could you tell I was tired. I stayed up extra to take pic and didn't put it on here, so much for the age of computers, I still have to do everything...[SIZE=8pt]I can't believe it[/SIZE]...[SIZE=8pt]mmumble. mumble.blah, :rolleyes: [/SIZE]
i need them cups..im using way to big tubs for what mantis i have..them food isnt easy to feed as it keeps hiding.

The Bugatorium is in full BLOOM, I think I will have to tell my family and friends goodbye! :eek: We now have liftoff! <_<

This is half of the ooths incubating! :) ps pics same area!



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