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Thought I would post a few pics of the house that is housing the Bugatoriums stuff while renovating the new room,

Hallway into my office


inside office


I am stuck in that little cubical~

Here is start of family room that now only has a rocker left in it and the tv




Opposite wall leading out of family room, opps sorry supply room hahaha!


New Bugatorium, needs stuff moved and must finish painting for the cubboard guy to

make my new cubboards



I painted the ceiling the other day, took two gallons, and then I went to lay down!

LOL!!! Love the new pics! :p My hubby has been sort-of patient with all of my "stuff" that has been taking over the dining room... so far. But he's mentioned several times he wants it cleaned up and put away.... but I don't know where else to put it all! :unsure: He's already stressed that the spare bedroom was "IT"... that's all I get for my bugs. But it's not enough room for all the bugs and supplies too! :rolleyes: Your room looks nice and big. :D I hope your remodeling goes well (and quick!), and you get things situated soon. You'll have to let us see pics when it's done! ;)

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I can't believe my eyes!I had raise this Religiosa Female, and Male Chinese, I put them out in the yard yesterday....



And today when I went outside,( it of course could be another male)


this is them in the Bugatorium.

I found them in the process of mating...




Has anyone ever seen this behavior between two totaly different species?
Seen it. I used to find carolina males on the backs of chinese females. Now that is funny.

Chinese and giant asian:


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Oh yea! Wanted to say hooray! yippee! and so forth, I just sent out the 3000 mantis cup! Course this was on Monday June 15th. The same day of Ralphs death. So it was a happy day and a sad day. here is pics of 21 boxes I shipped that day with 80 mantis in them!



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haha, I have to start packing on sat for this bunch, usually a whole sunday is what it takes and then most of the day monday for the feeders to be packed and the mantis, I dont pack them until they go out, but I get it all ready, cause my postmistress yells at me if I get there anytime after 3pm. shes a beast :blink: and I usually come home crying, you'ld no idea what a bully she is!

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:D Posted this one today under " what do you name your mantis"?

The girls all get L names today, I name my girls after victims of crimes and famous people!

Theres Lucy, from Charlie Browns "Lucy", Liddy, from a girl I knew years ago who died in an auto accident, Lulu, cartoon, Lauren from Bacall, Lalo, I think Rob Stewart song, Lori mermaid, Lacy for Lacy Petterson murdered by her husband, Lila a girl in jr. high I knew, Lois supermans' and so on!


I put this here, cause I didn't want to write about murder in the other post.

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