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I think you accidentally posted in the wrong thread Mythal - and eh, that's not racist - we're all guilty of it.

^ Ah, yes. Thank you. Wonder how I managed to do that.

hibicusmile's room looks quite nice and a bit cleaner than what one would expect. I just hope that I had a spare room like that, although I would be sorely tempted to transform it into a miniature rainforest, with a few different species roaming around freely. :D

Here is the new cubboards in the Bugatorium, not quite finished yet, but soon! I hope..




Yea, it is 24 x 24! I can't wait, and I told the girls all about it! how excited they are, all laying ooths to celebrate :lol:

I'm sorry, Rebecca; I must be slower than usual, tonight. Are you caulking the countersunk nails instead of spackling them and taping the corners? It looks nice, though. Also, yr bug room should smell really nice. I see that you have a blue 5 gallon bucket of Fascination there. That should cover up a lot of problems. :D

Is this in addition to your other space, or is your bug zoo moving there?

BTW, looks great. :) I wish I had half of that room at home!

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Phil, u not slow, I should have your mind! Those are dry wall screws, we use them all the time, and I just caulked the seams, hubby wants me to paint the screw heads? He is what the guys call Annal! haha, is that a no no word?

Andrew, haha, plenty of room for the zoos! But this room with those long cubboards have to hold all my inventory too!

Lemmi, I wish I had time to photo shop!

Actually that is a bucket with tools, and I don't know what the name on it is, it is my brother in laws!

Time to update the Bugatorium progress! We are up and running, not done, there are a few bugs to work out yet... haha bugs! but all in all, a lovely room! I love it.

The room is about 22 x 24'. The north and south sides are all cubboards and counters for web site supplies. The east side has a fridge to the right as soon as u enter and the left side is cubboards and tools.

This is the south wall: notice the coffee pot. The girls insist on having coffee with their morning TV " the weather channel" to see where their babies may be going and how the weather there is! (it is hot distilled water, but I tell them it is coffee!)

and the shelves above hold the girl
s and their babies. And this is the view of the length of the south side, with shelving to the left, holding more supplies and more containers with mantis inside.


Had to cut this into sections (the posting not the room
) due to allowance of photos.

This is the view from the west end .


This is the east wall with cubboards next to bug fridge.


Here is the north side:



Still the north wall:

and showing the east wall to the right with cubboards and tools:

Here is front wall, or part of it which is west, it is going to be a window seat area, but not finished. ok, did not take pic of that, will have to wait.

As soon as you enter Bugatorium there is in center of room an 8' x 6' table with cubboards underneath for my shipping area.


here is side I work on for shipping:




Here is rest of counters with supplies underneath.


Opposite end of table with extra contaiers:


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I promised the girls we would have tv in the new Bugatorium and we do! Its 32" of noise and we have our old pc in there to so we can be connected to our mantis friends!



We use the tv as a pc monitor! Even I can see it from across the room

Here is my drinking birds, wanted these since I was a teen and first saw them, so I finally got some, they have to be watered morning and night or they won't drink.


Here is the front (west view), too much light coming in so only took pic of ends.


Feeding/cleaning cart, and shipping cart:



Thats about it for the room I think, just have a few items to finish, the light switch plate and some cornor round on top of counter edges and touch up of paint on the walls in a few places and I will be all done!


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