Bugfest 2012! The theme is mantids!


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Just out of curiosity, Will there be any other forum members attending this event? It's always nice to meet fellow hobbyist?

I would love to go, but I'm way up in Michigan and my work won't allow me even though I'm self employed, all work and no play makes....blah blah blah, really wish I could though? Meeting Rick, Paul and some others would be cool beans!

Just out of curiosity, Will there be any other forum members attending this event? It's always nice to meet fellow hobbyist?
Hey Paul,

Not that I know of. I haven't heard from Andrew in a long time.

So does anyone know where some G. grisea is located?

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Well they can't be extinct

Chase lives in Florida, maybe he can catch u a few

By the way I have a tenodera female with an orange spot between the claws

Does that make it angistopennis??
Yes. The spot is in the 'armpit'. You will also notice it is smaller and the flying wings are different in shape and color. Did you find it locally? Their ooths look entirely different.

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They have the website updated now. Check it out below. Looks like I will be on the second floor this year. They also have my presentation showing at 4 pm. If you're in the Raleigh, NC area please stop by for this event. You will not be disappointed I can assure you.

