Cochises pics


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Heeheh, It was just on my screen. None was dying because of a giant mantis butt blocking everything :p And I was on a safe place.

Half of my phone is full with pics of Cochise. and when I see one of the pics: text come in my mind and I add it.

Cochise eating her roach and for sure she likes it when she tasted it. :p


This was way too funny. Cochise was standing on cricket box and she saw movement.  she wanted to see what it was  and put her face on the lid. I heard "plok" when she did that. :D It gave me a good laugh. :p


Little mantids grow up fast: yesterday Cochise had indeed her final molt and she is a big adult mantis now. too bad I couldn't film the molting proces I was taking a nap. when i woke up she was already drying up and everything looks fine. She had a good molt and is now 8 cm. Her wings looks nice on her.

She was really happy to spread her legs after a long time in her home she started to climb out of her home that was open :p and was very active.

drying up.jpg



Cochise is so pretty! I hope that she lives a long, happy life as an adult! Your pictures are really good. Tell Cochise to keep being cute!

- MantisGirl13

She will be cute till the end of her life. She promised me that. :)

Too bad they didn't had dubias at the pet store so I took some grasshoppers instead. Wondering if she will like them. I put one before her and it started to walk, Cochise grabbed and started to eat like she hasn't eaten in her life. She loves them.

nom grasshopper.png

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Great! I use grasshoppers over the summer and dubias over the winter. I love how you personify Cochise in all of your pictures. I wish I had a better camera!

- MantisGirl13

The pics I made is done with my phone or my old camera, nothing special really. I wish I had a better camera . ;) It is hard to take a good picture of my new baby mantids.

Cochise doen't need food for the couple of days. She ate the whole thing. She left only 2 leg pieces.

Wow! Hungry girl! I use my Kindle Fire camera when i take any pictures, but I could probably borrow my mom's good camera. I agree that baby mantids are hard to take pictures of, as they are either too fast or too small for the camera!

- MantisGirl13

For sure she is hungry girl:

Earlier this evening:

nom grasshopper2.png

After her grasshopper dinner she wants more:

head on lid.png

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So cute! I love how you capture her cutest and funniest moments! 

- MantisGirl13

Cochise her home is on my desk, I can see what she is doing and camera/phone closeby to take a pic. In the evening I let her out to give room for climbing or just staring at abox with grasshoppers/crickets :p Dubias don't show themselves. lol And she just pooped :p

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Cochise climbed on the cup of Flash. After I took the photo, I moved Cochise to another place of my desk. ;) Much safer for little Flash.

cochise sees flash.png

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