Coronavirus: Thoughts?


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Also I would like to make a barrier here to stop talking politics. I have a point of view, so do we all. But this is just an invert server.

If someone has a different point of view, then that's ok. Im 99% republican, but there is nothing wrong with someone being a democrat.

If that's there point of view, then that's ok.

I might not agree, but who says we always have to agree. So let's try to keep out of politics if we are not able to come to a peaceful conclusion.
Thank you. This is a mantid forum, not a political forum! 

@hibiscusmile I am so sorry about the loss of your husband. I'm praying for you! 

- MantisGirl13

Here in NL the infections are rising again. Thus we have now lockdown again. Not fun at all with christmas and old years eve coming. We are not allowed sto see many ppl with those days. I hope normal life comes back soon. *sigh*

TODAY:  2,139 new infections and 43 new deaths in my province.

That's 43 people just today, that wont say Merry Christmas to their loved ones.

[SIZE= 16px]Our provincial Minister of Education is preparing to close schools (although they're saying that's not certain yet) - an extended "Christmas Break" - switching to online.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]@hibiscusmile, my sincere condolences on the loss of your husband.  He's in the arms of God without as much as one tear in his eye. ❤️[/SIZE]

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I've lost several loved ones due to COVID-19. Most tragic being my only surviving (germophobic) aunt who thought she was safe in quarantine. My uncle contracted it at work and brought it home and infected her. He never saw or spoke to her again after she was admitted. She died alone 5 days later. He was admitted to a hospital 2 hours away. He believed he gave it to her and defiantly left the hospital and went home "to die" ... he did so 2 days later, grief and guilt stricken. He believed the garbage he had been reading on Facebook and it cost him the love of his life and the loss of his own. Neither had funerals and were both were direct cremations... not a single family member in attendance. 

This is why I get angry when I hear people downplay the seriousness of the virus. Everyone be safe please over the holidays... don't become another corpse laying in a refrigeratated trunk in a hospital parking lot. Trust the CDC not these assorted amateurs playing games in the White House!

I've lost several loved ones due to COVID-19. Most tragic being my only surviving (germophobic) aunt who thought she was safe in quarantine. My uncle contracted it at work and brought it home and infected her. He never saw or spoke to her again after she was admitted. She died alone 5 days later. He was admitted to a hospital 2 hours away. He believed he gave it to her and defiantly left the hospital and went home "to die" ... he did so 2 days later, grief and guilt stricken. He believed the garbage he had been reading on Facebook and it cost him the love of his life and the loss of his own. Neither had funerals and were both were direct cremations... not a single family member in attendance. 

This is why I get angry when I hear people downplay the seriousness of the virus. Everyone be safe please over the holidays... don't become another corpse laying in a refrigeratated trunk in a hospital parking lot. Trust the CDC not these assorted amateurs playing games in the White House!
I’m sorry for your losses, I’ve been trying to let people know the severity of the virus but not many listen besides my closest friends.

My dad got covid a couple weeks ago. He was very sick but luckily had a mild case. 
Wow. Glad to hear its a mild case. My girlfriends parents also had mild cases of COVID a few months back. They described it like a really long cold and a flu leading into a cold. But glad to hear they are okay....

We are back in lockdown here in the Toronto area. Kids were told to do online school for one week after Christmas. They just extended it for another two weeks. It'll be a long lockdown this time.

The lockdown was originally planned for one month (because the data implied the spread wasn't happening in elementary schools, they only got a week originally). New cases are 3500 per day now. The government doesn't want it to get out of hand like it has in the USA. But its still a lot.

I doubt our boss will want me back in office in 2021 if this keeps up. Maybe in the summer. Maybe in the fall. It'll be one year i've worked from home this March. It will take a long time to immunize everyone. And that assumes a new strain doesn't emerge that current vaccine-generated antibodies won't attack.

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We are back in lockdown here in the Toronto area. Kids were told to do online school for one week after Christmas. They just extended it for another two weeks. It'll be a long lockdown this time.

The lockdown was originally planned for one month (because the data implied the spread wasn't happening in elementary schools, they only got a week originally). New cases are 3500 per day now. The government doesn't want it to get out of hand like it has in the USA. But its still a lot.

I doubt our boss will want me back in office in 2021 if this keeps up. Maybe in the summer. Maybe in the fall. It'll be one year i've worked from home this March. It will take a long time to immunize everyone. And that assumes a new strain doesn't emerge that current vaccine-generated antibodies won't attack.
Wow, that sucks. I’ve been in lockdown since last March, you will get used to it and so will your kids ;)

We are back in lockdown here in the Toronto area. Kids were told to do online school for one week after Christmas. They just extended it for another two weeks. It'll be a long lockdown this time.

The lockdown was originally planned for one month (because the data implied the spread wasn't happening in elementary schools, they only got a week originally). New cases are 3500 per day now. The government doesn't want it to get out of hand like it has in the USA. But its still a lot.

I doubt our boss will want me back in office in 2021 if this keeps up. Maybe in the summer. Maybe in the fall. It'll be one year i've worked from home this March. It will take a long time to immunize everyone. And that assumes a new strain doesn't emerge that current vaccine-generated antibodies won't attack.
That's no fun. I've been doing online school all year. I get to go to school in person for the first time on Monday though! Your kids are lucky that they have been able to go to school up until now. Covid sucks. 

- MantisGirl13

These came across today, to everyone in our province!


Really? The shelter in place orders were lifted all summer long.
Caljfornia made the news, werent people walking the beaches in pairs etc. Controversy over social distancing.

Lockdown is where you really can't go out: food, work, medical, and maybe a walk. Parks are closed. You're sitting at a park bench, the police move you along.

No visiting. People living alone can meet up outside with others. Up to 5 ppl total.

Caljfornia made the news, werent people walking the beaches in pairs etc. Controversy over social distancing.

Lockdown is where you really can't go out: food, work, medical, and maybe a walk. Parks are closed. You're sitting at a park bench, the police move you along.

No visiting. People living alone can meet up outside with others. Up to 5 ppl total.
Oh, well I just realized that you are correct and my family just locked me in the house haha. I mean it is for safety so I understand.

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Here in nl we have a lockdown for weeks. We are allowed to groceries. but non essensial shops and resaurants, bars are closed. Everything that is just human behaviour is forbidden. last week we heard it will 3 weeks longer.😟

This world is 1 big mess now
