Creobroter Housing


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The Skate Life
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys

Im looking forward to getting a Creobroter soon and Im just wondering

whats one of the best ways to keep these.

Other sites just tell me about temperature and humidity, which confuses me and thats all they mostly say.

Please, share me your wisdom and experieces :lol:

:D You can keepthem in anything big enough for them to move around in and still find their food. The bugs are not picky, give them something like a little stick to climb on and your good to go, every species, like the same thing, a little water, a little food, and a resting place, that includes us humans! Take any clear jar, plastic or glass and fix the lid so it cannot escape with thin cloth, screen or coffee filter and until it gets bigger it will be happy there. :wink:
Well I have something like this


I have one of these but its way bigger.

I was wondering if I can put moist peatmoss on the bottom to create

humidity and maybe throw some orchid bark here and there then I can

place a long stick in the middle and if I can I'll grow some plants in there

that dont die easily. Or plastic plants. is that ok? And can I put some

green moss or sphagnum too or will that create too much humidity?

ok just a you know how small these guys are? and what size are you getting?

for a size comparison heres a picture of what i think is a subadult female... easting a size 3/4 cricket

and i dont exactly have giant hands.. that may help you judge how big of a tank you need, the pet pal type tanks do work, as long as your mantis/its food cant escape

well i just want them to have alot of space to move around and i dont want a boring setup

are Creobroter fairly easy to take care of? It is going to be the first mantis I'll get if I get it.

and do I really need a heatmat?

or will peat,bark,and moss do all the humidifying?

I also worry about temperature

I could advise you to keep a better starter species such as an african, budwing or Giant asian mantid but if you have your heart set on this sp why not :D

No you do not need a heat mat. Room temperature will be fine.

I would use Spagnum moss or vermiculite as a substrate, spray every 3 days or when the substrate completely dries out.

You do not need a big enclosure, they are small mantids. They will not find any enclosure "boring" for want of a better word. A plastic cup with a thin netting on the top is more than suitable. If your mantid has problems walking up and down th cup provide a piece of tissue or twig for them to walk on.

Buy more than one. 3-4 nymphs if you can. You will improve your chances or rearing some to adulthood this way. :wink:

as kriss said pretty much, i found no need for substrate, and i keep mine fairly dry spraying every 4 days... give them lots of ventilation and they will be fine, do well at room temperature, and are ravonous little buggers, they will take fruitflies up to subadult (i have yet to keep adults) but will happilly take larger prey

imho they are fairly easy to keep...try not to pamper them to much ;)

and i would say these would be fine as a beginner sp :D but i would buy more than one (then you can breed them:D )and also gives you a a bit of room for loosing some in sheds ect

happy keeping :D

Plain ole 32 oz deli cup will make a fine habitat. You don't want a habitat that is too large when it comes to mantids.

Good Luck Sparky! :D

Keep us informed how its going. :wink:

Like I said get 3 - 4 mantids if you can.

Maybe try buying another Sp that might be easier to rear aswell as your creobroter.

:shock: :D :p :shock: :D :p

Okay, but it might die...
god asa, ye have little faith! give him some support guys

tbh mantids arnt actually that hard to keep as long as you give them their basic requirements,

sparky get one dont set yourself up for failure! ive seem pple start with much harder sp and do very well :D i wish you the best of luck and im sure you will do fine :D but i would get at least a couple ;)


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