Dmina's mantid collection in progression 2014


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I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that laughs at them! I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Nice collection!

Thank you both... glad you enjoyed them... I get to enjoy them daily... just teasing... tlchans love your little guy avitar... What is it?

Very nice looking mantises. I really like your ghosts, I think I'll have to get one sooner or later (I guess I'm getting the collector mentality...).

Congrats on your Popa girl getting her wings. A great shot of her looking at the camera. :D

LOL Thomas... seems like just yesterday... you were thinking about getting some... Right? Now look at your avatar...

Well we were talking about ghosts... 2 of mine just got their wings here they are..



They amaze me every time they get wings... Such a joy to witness..

Thank you for looking in... I will update again soon..

Thanks so much... I know that feeling... It seems like my want list keeps getting longer...LOL

I mentioned in another post that this was a breeding weekend...D.lobata, budwings, & popa's... It was a rough night.. I lost my first 2 males to breeding...I really felt bad about that.. I have been very fortunate in keeping my males and even passing them along to others... not his time

I was working with my D.lobata female here she is waiting for her man..

Here comes her man walking the tightrope...LOL

She is such a gentile giant... they did not breed, but her man lives to face another day!


Here they are getting acquainted...

But it didn't end well for him...

And my budwing??? I am not sure if sucessful, he was on her back when I went to bed... but he was missing in action in the morning? Not sure if they did the deed... So I will remate her soon, but start earlier in the day...

Thanks for looking in... will be back to update soon.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck as of late with breeding - at least the D.lobata gets to try again. Great improvement on yours photos too, seems like your confidence is building.

Thanks so much... I know that feeling... It seems like my want list keeps getting longer...LOL
Well at least I got Ghosts off my list as I have two now, but already have another species to replace it on my want list. ;)

Here are some updates:

I thought I would show you how big my S.virdis girl has gotten.

Here is my gravid budwing girl:

and my gravid A.japonica female... she is on her 11th fertile ooth...

Also wanted to show some pics of my spiny nymphs...

Thank you for looking in... will update again soon... waiting on my Creo ooth to hatch

Sorry to hear about your bad luck as of late with breeding - at least the D.lobata gets to try again. Great improvement on yours photos too, seems like your confidence is building.

Well at least I got Ghosts off my list as I have two now, but already have another species to replace it on my want list. ;)
Yeah... that also seems to be my problem... each time I take 1 off the list...I add 2 more in it's place...

WOOO! Look at Cyprus go :D

Congratulations D. I'm glad he got his mating opportunity and succeeded!

The female I received in trade is also currently in the act with Nymbit, yes... It is finally happening! And on the same day as his brother! :)

I cant keep up with my congrats!!

Lol youve become quite the mating machine as well!

How many creos hatched for you?

I think you should remate your budwings too lol

Your popa is great i cant get over the monkey face, so ugly and cute at the same time you cant help but love that little bug. Your viridis has gotten huge too lol does she have a mate?

WOOO! Look at Cyprus go :D

Congratulations D. I'm glad he got his mating opportunity and succeeded!

The female I received in trade is also currently in the act with Nymbit, yes... It is finally happening! And on the same day as his brother! :)
Yes he did a fine job...LOL The brothers... Their legacy lives on...

I cant keep up with my congrats!!

Lol youve become quite the mating machine as well!

How many creos hatched for you?

I think you should remate your budwings too lol

Your popa is great i cant get over the monkey face, so ugly and cute at the same time you cant help but love that little bug. Your viridis has gotten huge too lol does she have a mate?
Thank you...

Creo's about 60

budwing ...I am going to, She just laid her first ooth..

I love the Popa's... they are so cute...

viridis has no male yet... I just have 2 females... and some L4 nymphs... hoping for a male there... I love the size... can't wait for the next molt...

Will add new pics soon... Thanks for looking...

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Ok.. finally got some pics..

My orchid female finally got her wings and she is outstanding!

Eating a little honey..

She is so beautiful.. Her sister should be molting soon

Here a couple of pics of my new nymphs

Pnigomantis medioconstricta - Indonesia Double Shield

Miomantis paykullii

More updates soon.. Thanks for looking in

You got yourself a double shield too eh?? ;) very cool! Mine just molted to L4 last night and should get the double shield next molt or two! Very exciting :D


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