Again, I have to speak out on this subject. We are all quick to blame somebody When we really have no idea what is really going on, We have no idea of the "deal" that transpired between two people, and that should be left alone. Every person out there has a completely different set of beliefs, morals and ethics. But what should be concentrated on is how we all can help and
improve a way to get nymphs or ooths safely to us. Everyone on this forum is here because they like praying mantis, some are serious breeders, some hobby breeders, some just keep a few because they are awesome insects! I personally like the hardest to get it seems. A
little common sense goes a long way! i also have a very high mixed emotion about ooths... I do not think i will ever sell an ooth, the risks are to great even for me. A seller has no control over what is done to that ooth during critical incubation periods, but at the same time if the ooth was never fertile, the buyer can not do a thing to make it hatch. It takes a lot of trust, and until the day when a consistent standard is set,
I will stick to the breeders that offer a guarantee on them and thanks to those that do! Better yet, I have learned to make my own!
So, I am a firm believer in getting together with Frey (or any breeder across the seas!)and making things better, and i urge all of you to do the same, the future of a lot of species in US culture depend on it!