Frey - (Poland)


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Just as everyone else has been saying, bad expierence... I personally have been very patient, i was included in the order of green oasis and ismart for the same nymphs. Ive tryed working with her and got no where, just recently she stopped answering my emails and PMs, Its an understatement to say that im furious. One for the fact that there is nothing i can do, and 2nd is ignorance... I have givin her plenty of time to make immense on her deal and im getting no where. F- on grading, shipping was ######, 100% DOA, packaging was a joke, and customer service is non existent.
My apologies, Doug, this is entirely my fault: I believe that you contacted me on May 31 at Frey's request about this matter and I failed to respond due to an excess of excitement in my life at the time. That is a reason, though, not an excuse.I.M. me yr PayPal addy for the cost of the mantids, though not postage (that's between you and USPS!), and I shall refund your cost immediately. I think tht the amount was $50, is that correct?

Some people reading this may not be aware that the death of yr nymphs was not due to Frey's bad packing but to an error by USPS who delayed delivery by three weeks. I agree with Peter, that it is standard business practice that the shipper's responsibility, except in the case of bad packing, wrong mantids, etc, ends once the shipment is made. You obviously couldn't complain to USPS because your transaction was illicit. Frey made alternative arrangements with one of the three "victims" of this error, (a scholar and a gentleman!) and I agreed to make restitution to the other two of you at Frey's soft-hearted insistence and expense..

I have already reimbursed the third "victim" in cash, but she has not had the courtesy to acknowledge my payment or post it on this thread, thereby giving the impression that the putative debt has still not been paid, so i trust that you will do better. She had thought that I would replace her $50 purchase with $60 of nymphs, so that is perhaps why she was disappointed.

I have noticed that several members who have blasted Frey have made later posts to the effect that they have dealt with her again. With that in mind, please be aware that I shall never do business with you again and strongly advise my friend to do the same. Nothing personal, you understand, we just can't afford your custom! :lol:

I receive regular shipments of ooths from Frey, usually six - eight every few weeks. I do this as part of a friendly business arrangement, and as such I don't record it here.But today i was writing up her latest shipment, P.wahlbergi (huge!), Sphodomantis sp. (?viridis) and four presumably (I'll know when I hear from her) w.c.,Idolos though they look very clean, like CB..

The reason that I am writing this is that I was very surprised when i compared the hatch rates of Frey's ooths with those of U.S. breeders/dealers. Given that Frey is a jobber and that she often ships ooths that she did not raise herself and the fact that the ooths spend 9-11 days in humidity-free transit to the US, I think it reasonable if her hatch rate were lower than that of ooths from US breeders. I was very suprised to find that the opposite is true. Since mid April, I have hatched two US ooths and an old Brunner's ooth from Nov of l;last year.grac. The rest, at least six, sit forlornly in my incubator. I have no complaints, since I know that it is impossible to guarantee an ooth (well, you can, of course, but you are taking an unpredictable risk) but it is interesting to note that aside from some ooths that didn't survive third party shipping, I have one batch of 3 ooths from Frey, that never hatched and one tht hatched in transit, but I have, since early June, hatched B. mendica, P. spurca, S. pretiosa, O. novaezealae (all lost while I was away) and C. meleagis,which is hatching right now and two more that i can't remember because my log book has drifted away. I incubate all ooths at about 80/80 in 32oz pots with aluminum or cloth lids.

Didnt think my first review should be changed sense it was accurate and it took forever to get to a consensus, but she came through! Thanks for not letting me down, my hope isnt gone anymore =)

Again, Thanks!


Thank you for the amazing shipment of mantises with the help of PhilinYuma. I could not be happier with the overall the transaction. There were a few bumps in the road, but all was resolved very amicably. I look forward to future purchases with Frey. :D

I payed for 5 spiny flower mantids (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii) and she surprised me with 7! They were shipped from Poland to USA Florida in 6 days! Only 1 died in transit and another died shortly after so really all 5 that I paid for are spunky very eager to eat and are the most coolest looking nymphs I have ever had!

She was very kind and a pleasure to buy from! She always kept me updated and would reply very quickly to questions! I would recommend everyone to buy from her as she is a truly awesome person!

Thanks you Frey I cant wait to do more business with you again!

Sincerely, K.J.

I am really happy with my shipment. Thanks frey cant wait till my next order!!!

Anyone reading this, frey is a really lovely person (even though she took the mick :stuart: . Thats for you frey). I can understand why she is so busy !!!

Tina x

I almost had a deal with her and probably WILL in the future some time. When money is more abundant probably :) . Or I'll trade.

I just received ooths and first one hatched out with more than 30 gongylus :)

Always friendly and replies to almost every question.very patient (;


i purchased a sexed pair from Justyna and they never came, but she has staid true to her word and says that she will try shipping a sexed pair again when her friend comes to the US.

I recently purchased an ooth from Frey and it arrived looking healthy, a few days later it hatched over 25+babies

Thanks Frey

Ordered twice from this member.

First order was for 6-7 Theopompa servillei

10 we in the tub, however 7 of those were DOA, one died shortly after so only 2 remaining.

Placed a second order with the seller for L4 pair of Hestiasula bruneriana, Odontomantis ooth, and L5 pair of B.mendica.

The Hestiasula were no-where to be seen. The Odontomantis ooth looks like it has previously hatched elsewhere and I just had the empty ooth shoved in my package. The B.mendica have both been sexed as females which is NOT what I wanted, as I bought them for breeding.

I also had some random ooth chucked into my package which is now looking like a creo ooth ( I have no use for this what so ever )

I also offered extra money to the seller to package items into a cardboard box, but instead I got them in a padded envelope. two tubs ( one B.mendica in each, and the ooths chucked in the one of the mendica ) wrapped in a layer of paper, then a plastic bag and another paper layer, then in the the padded envelope.

User is now ignoring any PM's so have taken this up via a claim within Paypal.

Will NOT use this seller ever again!!!

I ordered two odontomantis ooths from Frey a good few weeks ago. When they didnt turn up in good time I messaged her and asked her what was up. Basically the first package mustve got lost so she is sending another.

I wait to see if this one turns up...

Same story for me, ordered and got some ooths in a wet napkin after 3 weeks in mail, something hatched and all were dead, the package was size of a pres bottle, not enough room for a mio ooth to hatch, especially wrapped up like they were. I have asked her to send in something big enough for them to hatch and once again she just shipped like she always had, I had not used her in over a year, as I have now sent her 37.88 + 150.00+ 61.00+15.00+70.00+45.00+119.00 = 497.88 and have not one thing to show for it, other than I am STUPID. She send pic of slip showing she sent the package the day I finally got it, when asked to have them replaced, she no longer has a slip to show it is sent. So supposedly she resent on the 19 of oct. I also have asked paypal to help.

I am sorry to have to write this, but I also will not buy from her again. She is not a breeder but a broker, and thanks to her I am broke. I also have a hard time believing anyone gets anything good from her. It is a miracle when it happens.

I guess it is time for my story also. It started with 30 bucks 10 nymphs, All dead but 2. So then she said she will fix it and resend if I PAY SHIPPING, instead i ordered 130 bucks worth of ooths and a orchid trio. Only 1 orchid made it alive. One of the ooths that was to replace the 8 dead nymphs hatched a few days after i got it, but all died but 2 within 12 hours after hatching. im still down 6 nymphs!!!!!!!. She has offered to resend some orchids when they hatch but i have to pay shipping.. Im tired of paying shipping and not getting everything. If i buy something with a DOA guarantee it should not be my problem to keep paying for shipping. That is the breeders responsibility because i never got what I ordered. Im sure she is trying to complete my order but not good enough, im tired of dropping money after money for shipping. I know that the UK forum has banned her. All i want is a parcial refund for the dead orchids and we can be even but she wants to just send more, send more, send more, i pay shipping. This shipping adds up fast. Hibiscus you are correct she is a broker, and does not care if a mantis is dead or alive, just send more. It told her that one ooth looks to be hatched already but she assured me it was good, We will see in th future if it does. Total of 160 bucks and all i have to show is 4 live nymphs, 3 ooths yet to hatch. If it was me i would offer a refund instead of reshipping tons of mantids that are gonna die in shipping. I awaite her reply for the refund instead of shipping more at my expence. If she denies offer i will post complete conversations so you can see how sweet the deal sounds until you get it. With winter coming soon anything she ships will probably be DOA, but as long as i am paying for shipping she can pump mantids all day not caring if they live or die. I JUST WANT A REFUND!!!!!!!!!!! DOA is DOA, so money back or more nymphs should be MY choise.

I over looked all the negative about frey because i couldnt believe it, well now i know. She is 100% about the money.

I will turn her in to paypal as well hibiscus if this is not resolved. I cant believe Bartesx her boyfriend lets her do this.

oh yeah just to add that last orchid died that i got from her, 1.5 weeks after arrival. I guess im screwed,lol.

I've had a few issues getting a healthy Orchid from her. She did make up for it by sending me a bunch of sphrodomantis nymphs, which all survived the journey. Her packaging is less than ideal, but for the more hearty specimens/ooths they seem to suffice just fine. I will not fully endorse her, but I will also certainly not condemn her. Consider this a neutral feedback.

Frey promised to send replacements on the date below in her pm message, as of today, nothing ! She is not only a liar but a cheat. I have other emails from her before with the same lies.... oh! don't get upset by my name calling Frey, as you like to tell everyone....relax!


7th instar

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Sent 20 October 2011 - 11:20 AM



Pack has been sent yestarday.

Shall came next week.

Keep me update

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