Frey - (Poland)


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Mmm Where do i start, Total of 12 oothes off frey , when added up comes to a large sum of money. Needless to say none hatched , no not one. Anyway i've been in contact with frey and in a email to me , asking what i wan't in the way of replacements, which i replied i like a megamantis oothe to start, which will go some way to replace 6 idolomantis being the kind and generous person she is said yes , happy days i thought, "sadly no this has been going on now for some time , i've had six kids and married them off so i think this is dragging on a bit. Is it possible for you to reply and tell me and who ever reads this ,what you are sending because i know it not about the money is it?
Nothing as yet, Thought you might of replied frey.

I received some ghost ootheca from Frey today. Really fast shipping. I was quite surprised. Frey was very quick to respond to my messages and I would definitely buy from again. I will post later the hatch success. Thanks Frey!


Still no hatching. Looks like bunk ooths. Frey stated they may have "frozen" on the way over. Oh well. Just won't deal with again. Waste of $$!


Still no hatching of ooths. I was offered a ":2 good ooths for my 3 bad ooths" exchange. When asked for another type of compensation (less than the cost of 2 "good ooths"), I was given a flippant response-"I propoused You to send You replacement in 2 ooths, u ddidnt want to agree with me and now u asking for other stuff. Sorry but it is not good for me."

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steveo said:
Up date on oothes, not received replacement oothes and frey has made no contact with me, ( frey promised me oothes)
I dont know how to speak with You Stev.

You want from me replacement for oothecas which were imported from Africa - You was one of the first person who know it couse You are importing and looking for dealers by Yourself. I told You I will replace but I will not do this on species which You chose. To be clear : u asking now for metal mantis which are not mine. Be more patient and when I get mantis from my breeding culture I will send some or next part of imported ooths.

Yes, Stev, I m not responsing all the time couse I dont have so enough time to do it.

More question ? - > PM

Everything is really fine with Justyna, I have bought from her some ooths, and I will buy from her in a near future.

thanks Justyna

I buy from Justyna 4 Hiestasula brunneriana,but unfortunately all the six that she have put in the pack are arrived to me died.In the future she take me a discount!And in the package she have put 5 Tenodera for bonus!She is a very honestly and gently breeder!thanks Jus!

Way to go Frey!!!

I have had multiple transactions with Frey without issue. Received five ooths this last time and they were safe and secure. Her, yes Frey is a female, has been very good. She updates me on when she is shipping, current temperatures in her area, etc. All to keep me up-to-date on the shipment.

And as of this morning, I have more coming from her.

- Vance

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I just got an order of nymphs today. Frey shipped 8 nymphs on Monday and 5 arrived in great shape today, Friday. Not too bad, 5 days from Poland! Not sure why the 3 died, maybe attempted to molt in shipping? No visible injuries. I am quite happy with my second purchase of nymphs from Frey! Thanks again!!

Purchased 6 Idolomantis Diabolica nymphs which arrived just over a week - all 6 healthy and feeding, thanks very much.

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I received a large order of nymphs from Justyna and ALL arrived to me alive in less than a week's time(4 day's I think), Very well packaged and well fed. She really went out of her way to make sure the nymphs got to me healthy and vibrant, also stayed in close contact through the whole process.

I'm sorry to hear some of you didn't like your dealings with her, but what I can say is she is half way around the world from most of us and if you think your mail system is sometimes bad or lazy think about many many times that on a global scale, and your lucky your package wasn't the size of a pancake by the time you received it, the bottom line is she ships them alive and then all you can do is hope that the10 different mail dude's don't play football with it along the way. Anyway that's how I see it.

I would and will gladly deal with her again!!!


I have received my third order from Frey. The current order included Orchids (Hymenopus coronatus) and Indian Boxer (Acromantis sp.) mantis, and three different ooth types. Things went very well considering the distance they are traveling. Several of the Boxer mantis died on the way and one Orchid. She had added plenty of food for the trip, but those things happen. In the past week two of the ooths have hatched and are doing well.

Any time you buy eggs, whether it be chicken or mantis, there are to many influences to make any guarantee of them hatching. I have actually had better luck with ooths purchased from Frey in Poland than from other forum members that are only a couple of states away!

As for Frey's packaging, it was very well done. The containers were glued to the box to keep them from bouncing around and each of the ooths were glued to the inside of a ventilated shipping container.

In summary, I would continue to recommend Frey as a trusted source.

Well, I *finally* received a package from Frey yesterday, and she says it is the original one that I ordered back around my birthday (in March!) Of course, all the nymphs are dead and I doubt that Frey will send anything to replace them, since her response was "see how long it took the first time, why would I send you anything else?" (paraphrasing, here.) So, for those who are curious, here are a few pics:

The inner packaging, after removing layers of cotton padding, newspaper & tape (honestly, why would you bother with airholes if they're just going to be sealed off anyway?) :blink:


First look in the cup:


Push aside the gauze:


Close up on the gauze:


Again, this review is for informative purposes. I am not attacking Frey personally, but I want to enlighten others to the risks of importing from overseas. I'm pretty sure that this wasn't Frey's fault (though, I never received tracking information and there is no date stamped on the envelope.) but it is a chance we take when ordering from so far away and with packages having to go through several postal systems.

If Frey manages to make things right on a "customer service" level, that would be great and I would, of course, respond here to let everyone know, as I wouldn't want the last word on our dealings to be a bad one. But, I *did* want everyone to know that I finally received the package, so it WAS mailed, after all. (I never said it wasn't, btw...just that I hadn't received it!)

Edit: fixing typos.

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Date is March 7th, 2011

Pack has came to You after 2 months, the same situation had Paul ( ismart )

that was my first situation when packs has came to customer after that long time, without of any reason.

If on the envelope was a stemples from Customs Offices : packs could be opened , if not : post services has let us down.

Carey, let we end this non sense problem : I told You few times that I asked Phil to send to You replacement as soon as it will be possible. So please, just lets few days.

And You have right, I wrote not exactly what I meant in "You should good know ..."

My language mistake ,- sorry . I meant that after 1st pack I didnt sent anything more to You couse I worried that 1st pack hasnt came and now packs could be stopped all the time.

Anyway, I did sent some mails to other members and now all working well so I think I shouldnt afraid anymore about this.

I just received many more nymph's from Justyna, and yes it was express shipping, all but one made it alive again! So my hats off to her, she contact me almost every day and really cared about my overall happiness on this order, even to go as far as to tell me where my package was more than once during shipment(with out me asking).

I would not think twice about getting anything from her in the future, using express shipping! She's always been GREAT to me. ;)

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The facts are as follows:

You ordered live nymphs from Poland in March.

Frey charged you for Priority, her usual practice. She mailed the package as promised.

She did not offer you Express mail which is twelve times higher and must go through Customs, nor was she obliged to.

Also, sending mail by Express, does not guarantee timely delivery. A recent parcel from Frey to a member was "lost" in Customs here for three days ( as shown by tracking) causing the death of some nymphs when compared to an identical package which arrived in the normal four.

Live delivery failed due to an error by USPS. Yen guarantees live delivery only for Express mail, a wise precaution which I think Hibiscusmile takes, too. So do you hold Frey, who mails from Europe, to a higher standard?

I am not Frey's US agent; I am one of Frey's U.S. friends. I offered to try to work with you from this end because she was having a lot of trouble understanding what you were saying. Last week, on her behalf, I offered you immediate restitution or an order of nymphs in the future and you explicitly accepted the latter. She said that she would not send you anything because I had said that I would do it.

Of course, she is under no ethical obligation to recompense you for an error by the USPS. You could take the matter up with them, but I rather doubt that you will.

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Just a timely reminder that the breeder feedback forums are not discussion areas like the rest of the forum. All members are encouraged to write ONLY a single post, providing feedback on a RECENT purchase they have made.

All US members should remember:

1. US Import of livestock without permits is not condoned by this forum and members should really think twice about publicly admitting they've done this.

2. Oothecae are always a risky purchase when it involves tropical species, slow shipping, cold weather, factors of altitude and low humidity, etc. Don't ever expect wild caught (WC) mantis oothecae to hatch, especially if they are further exposed to factors of overseas shipment and your imperfect incubation practices.

3. Overseas shipment of live animals is always a risk to the animals, even with Express Mail. Heat packs dry contents out and temps. outdoors are always unpredictable (anybody have a recent weather report for tempertures in the sky over the Atlantic Ocean? Is it colder next to the wall of the cargo hold than in the middle of a stack of other boxes?).

4. Language barriers sometimes make it difficult to resolve an issue.

5. It is an industry standard that once healthy animals enter a shipping box, the shipper has done their due diligence. Shippers are not expected to replace animals that spend 2 months in a box due to poor service on the part of the carrier only.

I've deleted numerous posts in this thread. Some of the remaining posts may be slightly out of context since they were replies to others that are now gone. I believe that Phil is providing a valuable service to the hobby community by sometimes helping to interpret and negotiate transactions for one of the world's consistent sources for mantis pets.

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4.29 sent money via paypal

5.2 no shipment inclement weather / national holiday

5.8 was told that item shipped

5.11 have not received item

5.14 i will be surprised if they're still alive, but i'm hoping for the best

5.17 wow - still no delivery, losing hope

5.19 nothing...

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4.29 sent money via paypal

5.2 no shipment inclement weather / national holiday

5.8 was told that item shipped

5.11 have not received item



Good news! Don't get mad at the postal service yet! Your parcel would have been posted on Monday in Drozd (you know about the time difference, right?). It would have probably arrived in Warsawa today if it was Priotity.and then headed westward. Last week I had a package take longer than that from California! Check Frey's feedback and you will get an idea of how long her Priority parcels take to arrive.

Let us know when it arrives!

Just received the nymphs I ordered from Frey and was impressed with the service. 1 of the 5 ghost nymphs was DOA but I knew Frey doesn't guarantee live arrival so can't complain. Otherwise they were well packaged and reasonably priced. Good communication and shipped in good time as promised.

I'm sure I will order from her again and would recommend her.



Haha! I got a package from Frey, today (dated 020511) containing about a dozen ooths. The ID was keyed to the number of each, which is fine, except that one of them had already hatched. Now all I have to do is work out what they are! Thanks, Frey!

051911 Yay! 5 more ooths hatching when I got up!

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