going to hawaii want some mantis


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i see how you can miss read it there not permits for life just for these animals after that there not good anymore that why this is before the trip leaving tomorrow thanks to all that commented and ok can you take this add of i dont know how there not for sale k

i see how you can miss read it there not permits for life just for these animals after that there not good anymore that why this is before the trip leaving tomorrow thanks to all that commented and ok can you take this add of i dont know how there not for sale k
Would a colledge student really type like that? I'm sorry, but I could barely read what you just said.

and i will il bring my labtop so i can take pictures of the rare bugs i cant have and put the pics up while in the rainforest

Ok, this is not a personal attack just something for other to think about. You say you are importing "chamaeleo jacksonii"? If you were a college student and had a professor in Hawaii I would expect you to know that the latin name of this species changed 2 or so years ago. The correct name of this species now would be Trioceros jacksonii. What islands will you be searching for this species on? Jackson's chameleons are one of the animals that are very easy to bring out of Hawaii, I just have a hard time believing you actually know what your talking about. How many do you plan to bring back by the way?

know remember what entomologist i know it has changed but i grew up with chamaeleo jacksonii and im taking 2 sterile males

Huh...permits allow for 6 males/females per trip. I've never heard of a sterile chameleon either? I only know because I know more than a few people that have gone through the process. Good luck on your trip, as I'm sure you know jacksonii can only be found on one or two islands. Take pictures when you can!

yes i will take pics were going to Oahu theirs alot at my parents house there
I'll try to make this as less of a personal attack as possible. Though I do believe you're going on a trip to Hawaii...I still doubt you have a permit. You barely know what you're talking about as far as importing animals and permits goes. You're grammar is pretty unreasonable for a college student, even one on the phone would type better than that. How do you plan to get a sterile cham? You should sound much more mature than you do now, if you're a 20 year old college student. Who claims to be a entomologist (Who imports reptiles? Don't you need a permit for that as well?) with a prof. Honestly, the facts add up, and I'm sure no one believes you are really who you think you are by now. You shouldn't be selling ANYTHING that needs a permit, (That I'm not sure you even have? Did you get it pmed to you, Peter?) nor something you know so little about. I mean other than your little turtle an some T's, do you even have mantids? Pictures? I hope I'm not violating any of Peter's rules, but I don't want someone making a "fake" add, that someone could possibly believe. (And what happens if someone did send you a money order? Would you really have what you'd be advertising? Or would it be a scam?) If not, then like Phil said, I guess you're just trying to sound older than you really are. PLEASE don't take this *too* personal, but if what I said is true....(or at least partly) can you just admit something that you've said isn't true, and end this now? I guess I kind of expect one of those short answers like "i emailed my prof like i siad and he wil send the permitss to peter". If you were who you said you were, I'm sure you would reply back to me with a bunch or paragraphs with proof that you do have a permit. This will be the last message of mine in this thread, since I don't want to start anything serious. Though of course - have a safe trip to Hawaii!

A college student? Absolutely. An entomologist? Probably not.
I'm sorry, but think this too. At least not professional ... amateur entomologist probably, but this don't enables you to capture anything legally... please you will think about in the nature and will take caution with your activity.

This isn't a personal attack, is only my opinion later of see your videos and messages.


id bet on majority of people in this post owning illegally imported mantids or offspring of them , perhaps this person is full of it, i wouldnt buy from him and probably no one will but the attacks on how deep his voice is and his spelling is unecessary

well iv been there for only 2 years so im taking the basic college classes but next year im going into flight school
Wait, I thought you said you were a legal entomologist! :eek:

Even so, two years of basic classes does not make you an entomologist. That's like a second grader saying they're already in middle school.

Anyway, have a fun and safe trip. My advice to you is: take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.

Update: Still waiting for proof. I'll probably have the calendar finished before I see a copy of his permit though (and that ain't saying much at my current rate).

Hopefully the jury will remain orderly in the meantime.

Update: Still waiting for proof. I'll probably have the calendar finished before I see a copy of his permit though (and that ain't saying much at my current rate).

Hopefully the jury will remain orderly in the meantime.
okay i have them i will email you them when i get back from a hike im going on today

Correct. I'm going to move this thread to "Other Discussions" as it's far too popular to be clogging up our sales threads (and also too popular to close or delete). Feel free to check in with me via PM, as you're a little more emotionally vested in getting to the bottom of this and I'm less likely to remember without your help ;)

When I went to Hawaii in the spring, I found very few bugs. I wrote an article for Invertebrates Magazine called "Paradise...But Where's All the Bugs?"

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Same thing here Peter. I went to the big island for two weeks in 2008. I saw few if any insects.
