going to hawaii want some mantis


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Have you not heard?

It was my understanding that everyone had heard...

News papers in my area have cut down production to only twice a week. If you're talking about English as in British, I don't read those. So either way, I really have no idea what you're talking about.

Would you mind explaining, Phil? :)

Actually, I meant English as in "from England". I never keep track f all those other British countries; which ones are they again? I think that it is possible that perhaps my countryman was having us on. A bit of English humor there.

Actually, I meant English as in "from England". I never keep track f all those other British countries; which ones are they again? I think that it is possible that perhaps my countryman was having us on. A bit of English humor there.
I thought that England was also called Great Britian, or the United Kingdom. But I must be wrong. ;)

You still never explained yourself. And if that post by Morpheus is the answer, my computer (or browser, not sure which one) won't allow the video to show up.

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they are just having a little fun Debby.

but really, everyone knows that the bird is the word....bird, bird, bird is the word. ooh, mow, mow. :lol:


Oh dear, Deby. I didn't mean to upset you again! "The Bird is the Word" is an old American staple. It was sung by Peewee Herman in "Back to the Beach". Maybe this link will work:

There have been a number of polls in Britain in the past decade asking if people thought of themselves as "British" or English, Scottish, or Welsh and most people stated that they thought of themselves as belonging to the country of their birth, not the U.K. My joke reflected that fact, but there is no reason that you should be privy to that information, though you are, now,

Okay, are you guys ready for this? Mongoslade said that he'd sent them previously, but I didn't get them. I asked him to resend this afternoon, and lo and behold...a very official copy of a permit and export record showed up for the exportation of reptiles out of Hawaii. The signer was named throughout the permit. What's more, our member Mongoslade's real name (I know it) appeared directly in the permit as the intended recipient of some of the livestock. Yes, he legally imported 3 species on October 25th, 2010. As you might imagine, every word on the permit was official and spelled correctly right down to italicized binomials and subspecies!

I'm not sure I can re-wade through this entire thread, but I feel a responsibility to personally and publicly apologize for my skepticism regarding the truth of his statements. I believe he was rather civil about the entire thing too, despite some pretty harsh and personal criticisms.

So, it would seem that "permit, permit, permit...permit's the word!"

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Mongo, I'm puzzled, in part because I am old and it is past my bedtime. What has a three-month-old reptile import license presumably issued by an importer so that you can own the critters, got to do with having a permit to import insects as a "legal entomologist" in December/January?

Probably when --if-- I wake up in the morning, I'll slap my forehead and say, "Ah, now I understand", but in case I don't, can you explain? Please note that I only raise these questions about your "for sale" posts, where clarity and scrupulous honesty are, as I'm sure you will agree, very important.

Oh Good! I for one have kept quite only because I do not like to say things until I know the whole story. And my story is to follow.

What I intended to write was this:

This was an ad or offering to the members on this forum, so to speak, and I thought that it was really unfair that all these comments were made to someone we barely know. I was really shocked and dissapointed that all the comments were made and to me it was an attack against someone who for whatever reason did not cross his T's and dot his I's as a lot of us do not do when in a hurry, or like me, to lazy to do so. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Since when are we the spelling police. YOu read a lot about bullying in schools, I want you all to notice that this is how it starts, you really should take note, that this is what you have passed down to your children and then shake your head when you see it in someone else, not realizing you may be looking in the MIRROR. ALSO, THIS PERSON (OH excussseee me, I was using all caps) oh I mean (capitals) is that better? does not have a breeder feedback or anything to warrant all this in the regular posts, I could see it if it was there and a bad report.

Now, having got that off my chest, you all need to appolige (oh, dear me, spelled wrong again) to him.

And I must say, he last week corronsponded with me quite a bit on some species he wanted. He then place a very expensive order, and twice I had to ask him for shipping fees to get it out to him, and quess what? He sent the fees ASAP. No hassle, no questions, just did as I asked, and I asked myself, where does someone who everyone thinks is a kid, get his own paypal account and that kind of money? Hummp! lucky kid.

Nonsense, Rebecca! Apologize for what? One member, as I mentioned yesterday, was called a liar, and a scammer on this forum even though a number of us were reporting that she was sending goods as specified. I don't remember you asking for an apology for her; certainly she never got one, and those statements were left on her thread.

Rich? My granddaughter Sunny is as wealthy as she is lovely, but that doesn't make her a grown up! Her mom opened a paypal account using an Email addy created for/by Sunnyand her own surety, when Sunny was twelve, and when we wanted to get her something without her mom knowing, she used one of my accounts!.

The spelling and high voice were cited by some, not as detrimental characteristics but as evidence of youth (though some of us remain bad spellers in our dotage, don't we! :lol: ). Surely youth is not a bad thing. My concern, and I don't try to speak for others, is that posts in the "for sale" section don't give me misleading information. Mongo, bless his heart, has still failed to show that he is a "legal entomologist with a certificate" largely because there is no such thing. He has also represented cave or camel crickets as being "rare"; they are not. Personally, I would hope that these are the innocent excesses of extreme youth rather than the fabrications of a university graduate student (what university was that again? Undergrads don't claim to be entomologists, legal or otherwise!) about to enter flight school!

Mongo. For what it's worth, I think that you are a good kid and I don't care about your spelling, tall stories or anything else, but as I said above, be careful about not giving wrong information when you try to sell us stuff! :D
