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Jan 12, 2011
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Hello there! I actually visited this site a few months ago but I was recently reminded of this place when I asked my friend what her favorite insect was and she told me it was the orchid mantis. And I thought "hey I was looking into keeping a mantis earlier, now I have a motivating factor!" Im still reading up on everything and it will be awhile before I actually buy one but I thought I would soak up some info on these boards first. Oh and interestingly enough I somehow came here the first time from reefcentral. I'm a marine aquarist, what does that have to do with praying mantises you may ask? I specialized in keeping mantis shrimp! That's right! So I thought, well I kept mantis shrimp, I might as well give their land counterparts a shot. XD

I know a lot of people who "hate" mantis shrimp. but personally, I loved having my two back in the day. what a riot they were.

you will love this place. good people, lot's of photos, awesome advice. what more can you want?



Hello there! I actually visited this site a few months ago but I was recently reminded of this place when I asked my friend what her favorite insect was and she told me it was the orchid mantis. And I thought "hey I was looking into keeping a mantis earlier, now I have a motivating factor!" Im still reading up on everything and it will be awhile before I actually buy one but I thought I would soak up some info on these boards first. Oh and interestingly enough I somehow came here the first time from reefcentral. I'm a marine aquarist, what does that have to do with praying mantises you may ask? I specialized in keeping mantis shrimp! That's right! So I thought, well I kept mantis shrimp, I might as well give their land counterparts a shot. XD
I LOVE Mantis Shrimp! They are awesome and so colorful! However, you can't play with them the way you can with an actual mantis and since I don't have the space right now i'm opting not to get one.. but perhaps in the future I'll ask YOU for some advice. =)

Welcome. Orchids are rather easy to keep so don't wait too long. :D

Welcome. :) I once got hit by one of the mantis shrimp that has the whackers instead of the grabbers. That hurt like the dickens! Those things are strong. :lol:

How hard are mantis shrimp to keep? Very easy and most species available in the hobby are extremely hardy however you still must be careful of volatile organic solvents and copper. They're my favorite animal to keep in reefing next to cuttlefish. Cuttles are a different story however, I studied their requirements for over a year before raising a hatchling. Very expensive yet very rewarding. Both are extremely intelligent. One of my mantis shrimps actually untied a knot when I was making a mantis trap. I had to double knot the bait so she would trip the gate to close. Yeah, I don't want to post in the wrong forum for this stuff, but if anyone wants to learn more just pm me or check me out on reefcentral, I have the same user name.

But back to praying mantids/mantises. Do you guys have a shipping thread because I remember it was a delicate matter when shipping marine animals and because of mantis optimum temperature is around/above room temp I was afraid to try shipping right now (I'm in Texas but it's 30 degrees right now. I appreciate the warm welcome! I already like this forum!

Love them two they have beautiful colors.Welcome to the forum :lol:


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