I was wondering how you tell the gender of a mantis? I read somewhere that you count from the stomach down, and I think I'm seeing 7 segments? I've read so many different things and I would love to know for sure because the behavior and eating patterns seem to be different for both. Ours (apparently an ootheca) is about 6-7 weeks old. Does anyone also know at what point will he get his wings and do they suddenly fly around their enclosures? I have him in a netted cylinder purchased from Insect Lore, but I have a much larger one waiting and I'm wondering at what point to move him to that? We had planned to release him but after joining this site, I quickly realized he's better with us for many reasons. But I honestly look at him and wonder how he isn't bored. My final question (at the moment, ha) is does anyone know how big he will get? Head to toe, he is currently close to two inches. Thanks in advance - I am so grateful for all the non-judgmental info I've been getting here. I just want to make him as happy as possible.