How to breed house flies: need help!


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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
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Okay guys so I need help breeding my house flies from Mantisloverguy6000.

I half of the pupae in an old lid in a previous mantid home surrounded by wet paper towel and fruit (but pupae are dry in lid) about 9-10 have hatched in this container. Is this good? Any changes? @mantisloverguy6000 I don't have a net cage so I am trying my best!

The other half of pupae  I will feed out of.

i would have 25-30 adults in a cage for breeding

offer wet tissue and fruit slices

adults should congregate on lid of cage

in 5 days you will notice mating

at this point you can put small petris of milk-sodden tissue in the cage for oviposition, replacing daily and keeping egg substrate moist

i would have 25-30 adults in a cage for breeding

offer wet tissue and fruit slices

adults should congregate on lid of cage

in 5 days you will notice mating

at this point you can put small petris of milk-sodden tissue in the cage for oviposition, replacing daily and keeping egg substrate moist
I am letting them hatch in there and so far 10 or so have hatched. I will not be taking from this for feeding so on a couple days there should be plenty.

I offered fruit slices and wet tissue.

They do congregate on the lid so that's good.

So after they lay eggs on the milky tissue I remove it daily and put more. Where do i put the used stuff? In ts own cage with coco fiber substrate?

Thanks for the help!

the tissue should go atop some larva media and a fresh tissue added to fly cage

media is oat bran with yeast moistened with a little bit of molasses dissolved in water. dont over wet the bran, just enough for it to be a bit sticky

That is really interesting! I think that I may try culturing houseflies sometime too! Does the same method work for blue bottles?

- MantisGirl13

We've been culturing curly wing flies successfully here. I feed them a powdered sugar, masa, powdered milk combo. For ovipositing, we use wheat bran, powdered milk and alfalfa meal. We've been trying to breed blue bottles on the same medium with varied results. Temp and humidity have been harder to control in the winter time and the flies haven't been doing as well this week. I also ran low on blue bottles and had to abandon their breeding for a week or 2 to feed them all to mantises. 

Smell isn't too bad, at least not as bad as I thought from what I've heard and read. Larvae cups stink like ammonia or urine, adult fly tank is a bit musty smelling. We keep it in a powered shop so the house won't smell

Im hoping the blue bottles will breed for us. Flies are tricky and can be very choosy about ovipositing 


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