Well-known member
Well I will visit once in a while
I am not rehoming my stagamo limbata. The ghosts sold and working on the others.
I am not rehoming my stagamo limbata. The ghosts sold and working on the others.
You had better visit! Anyway, you can expect me to keep emailing you!Well I will visit once in a while
I am not rehoming my stagamo limbata. The ghosts sold and working on the others.
Yep! I will look forward to emailing.You had better visit! Anyway, you can expect me to keep emailing you!
- MantisGirl13
Me too!Yep! I will look forward to emailing.
Aw, shucks! You're too sweet I try to help when I can. I still feel new here myself and need so much advice and help!I hope you stick around, @Prayingmantisqueen.
Folk like you (and @MantisGirl13, @Synapze, @Little Mantis, @Aristalochia @Graceface and everyone else) have been amazing to "the newcomer".
We'd all be less without you.
I wont@Prayingmantisqueen I'm sad to hear about your ghosties finding new homes. Good you are at least keeping a mantis or 2. Don't be a stranger!
My family does. One reson why I am downsizing is because of any feeder I use they find something wrong with it.Also.... do your roommates hate you for culturing flies in the house?
i stick it outside for a few minutes to chill themI've watched the videos and I have few questions before I give this a go.
How do you get the adult flies out of the net cube to minimize escapees?
What temperature range is required for maximum productivity?
Also.... do your roommates hate you for culturing flies in the house?
LOL! If you ever get caught red-handed please upload the reaction video. :lol:my roommates don't know what i'm up to haha
I'm highly aromantic and thus I do not date. I also don't like sex so I don't really have people up in my roomI guess that makes for a tough dating life!
So was I after my last camping trip, but then I took a shower.I'm highly aromantic..........
my aromatic nature is another matter. i cannot smell and jump in dumpsters for maggots so i have quite the stench most daysSo was I after my last camping trip, but then I took a shower.