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Brr! We had a steady snow all day today! It was pretty, but I"M TIRED OF WINTER!

- MantisGirl13

I love to see fresh snow, it looks beautiful, but walking in it is a big no no for me, sadly enough.  so having no snow in my city isn't a problem, but the air is very humid and that makes it feel wet and not good for my muscles. I want spring!

Yea I had myself a little panic waiting for my live package...I checked the report when I ordered and did NOT see all this snow business lol living on the coast is a shoot sometimes...someone turn Spring on plsssssss

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We have to update the software and get a Mod to disable winter settings 😉 groundhog.exe I believe
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Well, snow in my area is expected for the most part. So, we are all just expected to carry on living regardless of the weather.

On the other side of the mountains, in the Seattle area, everything shuts down when it snows. They cancel everything and stay home

Wish this meant I got a day off work 😂 

Here in NL we have a lot of rain and hard wind. Yesterday my cap was blown of my head when I was walking to the grocery store. I almost lost it, but a man who was walking behind me grabbed it gladly. And gave it back.

True story lol swim practice is canceled tonight too. I’m not mad lol

Still snowing! It's supposed to keep up through the afternoon, then start again on Monday.
I thought of yall yesterday, seeing as you were getting walloped. You guys are basically south Canadian anyways. 😆

Stay safe. ✌

I thought of yall yesterday, seeing as you were getting walloped. You guys are basically south Canadian anyways. 😆

Stay safe. ✌
Yeah, I'm closer to Canada than I am to Oregon or Idaho. Guess that makes me an honorary Canadian, eh? 

The walloping continues here! Another 4 inches possible today, more on the way! 

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I thought of yall yesterday, seeing as you were getting walloped. You guys are basically south Canadian anyways. 😆

Stay safe. ✌


That’s fun for a minute but here the snow is slushee and wet (probably won’t be next round tho) so the kids (my kids and the neighborhood) are over playing in it and are inside being cozy eating pizza and playing PlayStation lol...poor pizza guy tho we tipped him well! Sooooo many accidents this morning tho the scanner went crazy there for a while. Too many hills to be trying to commute the police eventually shut down the bridges to all 2wd traffic 

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