Incubation Success...


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My Stagmomantis Californica nymphs are very active today. They're just like ghost nymphs:


I had another 9 nymphs hatch out from the same ooth this morning. I managed to take a couple pics with my iPhone but it isn't the greatest:



I was helping a friend build a base for his thesis model today, so I had plenty of spare MDF to work with for a multi-mantis enclosure that I want to build. It's 32" long and will have four 8"x8"x8" chambers. I got the base and frame done today. I'll probably finish this sometime next week when I get some spare time again:


I came home to good news and bad news. The good news is that my Creobroter Pictipennis girl laid her first ooth today. Not the straightest ooth but I'm sure it takes plenty of effort to lay one w/out BOTH of her hind legs:


and for the bad news...I was in a rush this morning and forgot to remove my male H. Bipapilla from the net enclosure. Got home late and found him connected but the female had already eaten most of him. No telling how long he was connected for. I really hope it was successful:


The same Stagmomantis Californica ooth that hatched a few days ago continues to ooze out nymphs. I don't know how they all fit in there. About 20 more nymphs this morning:



4-11-13: Acromantis Formosana (Taiwan flower mantis) ooth hatched today. Approximately 25 nymphs:


They're such a neat-looking species. Hopefully I get most these to adult so I can breed them. Here's one of Damian's (Leviatan) picture of this species as adult:


My adult hymenopus died recently probably due to old age. I was beginning to think I was going to have no male but upon closer inspection of my other orchids, I think I have a pre-sub or sub-adult male. He's so pink and can camoflauge so well amongst the little pink flowers right outside my front door:



Update 4-12-13: My popa spurca female FINALLY laid her first ooth after a 2 month long wait. I significantly increased the humidity a couple days ago but I can't say for sure if that's what made her lay it. My fingers are crossed in hopes that it's fertile:


