Internal parasites


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No evidence of it on the chinese ooths. I wonder if their thick foam prevents the wasps from laying eggs in them? Also, I wonder if that helps explain their ever increasing numbers over the others? Click the pics to enlarge.
The thicker foam might be the main preventer. In that second pic you can see the wasp's ovipositor is long, but may not be long enough to penetrate into the Chinese egg chamber.

This wasp also likely evolved with the native mantises and there could be other cues that draw the wasp to these particular ooths. Size, shape, pheromone...finding that out would be a cool experiment. And there lies the danger of introduced species without their natural predators. Thicker foam may be partly why sinensis and religiosa have done so well here in the US.

Great thread to follow! Thanks to Rick and all the contributors.

The thicker foam might be the main preventer. In that second pic you can see the wasp's ovipositor is long, but may not be long enough to penetrate into the Chinese egg chamber.This wasp also likely evolved with the native mantises and there could be other cues that draw the wasp to these particular ooths. Size, shape, pheromone...finding that out would be a cool experiment. And there lies the danger of introduced species without their natural predators. Thicker foam may be partly why sinensis and religiosa have done so well here in the US.

Great thread to follow! Thanks to Rick and all the contributors.
That would be an interesting experiment. Place some parasitic wasps in the same enclosure as sinensis or religiosa ooths and see what happens compared to ooths of stagmomantis sp.

Rick, I have had chinese ooths sent to me with the parasite holes, don't seem to find them here though, but have had plenty.
Hmmm well maybe it is a regional thing. Answers that question though.

The mantis that hosted the single large parasite died. It wouldn't seem related to the parasite since it has been awhile since that emerged and she has molted and everything.

The mantis that hosted the single large parasite died. It wouldn't seem related to the parasite since it has been awhile since that emerged and she has molted and everything.
That was quite some time before it died. I'm surprised to learn that it even molted.

I'm also surprised as well! All my mantids died within a few days after the parasite emerged. That carolina must of had a strong will to survive!
Well the one with eight small ones died because they ripped a gaping hole in the abdomen. The other mantis with the one large parasite didn't do that. I don't think the parasite was the cause of death. It acted normally up until this point, even molting once. I think it died from something unrelated but then again you never know.

These parasitic wasps came out of an ooth I collected a couple weeks ago:

Hole where one emerged:

Well, mantis nymphs finally started coming out. Only two so far. Wasps have been coming out the whole time and still are. I will let ya'll know the mantis count when it's over.


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