KentheBugGuy/hook33 and thebugwife


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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Arlington, Tx
I didn't see a thread for them so...

I ordered four budwings from Ken, but before that I sent him several messages about sexing them. EXCELLENT communication, he replied to me within 15 minutes of sending out a message to him via email.

I got the package today, with a heatpack and good insulation. Five arrived, but only four made it. Ken said not to worry about a DOA picture, but he would include freebie budwing with my next order even though I didn't pay for that freebie. :)

The only thing I have to complain about is that the containers he shipped in could have been a little bit bigger. They were borderline small for the nymphs, and if they had molted in shipping, they would have been goners. But, none did, so that's fine.

Thank you Ken, I will definately do business with you again!

Not quite sure why there is no feedback on Ken for nearly a year; perhaps I am looking in the wrong place?

I ordered a hundred lobster roaches from him at a very low sale price. He offered to hold them for me, since they would have been delayed in transit by the Thanksgiving holiday, which means that he had to house and feed them for another week.

They arrived in a container inside a ventilated styro box for insulation, and were in great shape. I put them through my ECR (Electronic Cockroach Counter) and it recorded well over 100. They are now in their own box and doing well.

Ken: I look forward to doing business with you again.

reviews...well I do have some reviews under my old username on here hook333 and I have a ton of reviews on arachnoboards but I am more of a tarantula dealer and do a little bit of mantis and roaches is why I don't have as many reviews here really. Hey about the first might be might be good to upgrade the size a little...I will keep that in mind for the future. I am so used to do tarantulas and trying to keep them from bouncing around too much I did not think mantis would be better in larger containers. Thanks

I just purchased 4 orchid mantid nymphs from Ken, and am very happy with the order. Ken had excellent communication and I would definitely do business with him again.

I bought 2 budwing mantids from him at a tarantula show, love em

Bought a flower, budwing, and giant Asian mantis from Ken this last weekend at the local tarantula society's invert show;

First off, Ken's a super nice guy and easy to talk to. Secondly, his stock appears healthy and well cared for.

Thumbs up!

Hey! I've heard nothing but good things from KenTheBugGuy and his communication was great. He's very nice/polite. I actually first heard of him at a local reptile/bug shop here in the Chicago area. I ordered 6 Grizzled Bark Mantis - Gonatista Grisea - Small nymphs.. $106.70 USD and $13 of that was 3-day shipping. The overnight shipping from UPS, I know, from personal experience is NEVER overnight when it comes all the way from California (I dated someone who lived there) so instead of paying $30 for shipping, I paid $13 for 3-day. Luckily, I received the bugs in 61 hours to be exact.

Ken was nice enough to include 2 extra! ($30 value). While this is my first time working with Ken, and while I am sure that this is simply a fluke situation... 4 of the 8 mantids are dead. 1 mis-molted during shipping, 2 dried up and dead inside the tissue paper during shipping, and 1 of them died over night for no apparent reason. The small containers they were each shipped in contained no fruit flies and/or water and their abdomens were flat. (they ate like maniacs when I took them out) Each container was roughly 2/3 the size of a small tan medicine bottle which seems like enough space for them though I've seen more liberal containers in the past... I suppose these are "enough" to get by with. Personally, I'd expect slightly larger containers with fruit flies when spending $15/nymph.

I've received shipping from the UK and all lived and those were Peacock Mantids. The shipping was $20 and each container still had some living fruit flies in them. This is the first time I've had some mantids die during shipping with the exception of a couple of bad molts. I don't think I'll spend $15/nymph for any bug again :p I still would not have went with the $30 overnight UPS shipping because I know it's 2 days and I saved $17 with the 3-day shipping and got the bugs in 61 hours.

I wouldn't let this review push anyone away from ordering from Ken. I really really think this is just how the business goes sometimes... were talking about bugs here! Never know if they are gonna die!

Thanks Ken, maybe my next order will go better!

Container on left is what was used for shipping:


Here is the mantid who died over night. He was pretty unmoving/tired looking before I put him in there. He kind of "dropped" right into the cup and hung out on the bottom until I went to bed.




It's been a few weeks since I got these 8 mantids. I was organizing my mantid containers when I came across the 8 tiny-bottles Ken used to send the mantids. I noticed one of the lids had no hole, 3 lids had a single hole in them, and the rest had 2 holes in each lid.

To me, this explains why I lost 1/2 of them. (aside from no food/humidity and each being placed in such tiny containers).

I guess I'm bringing it up because I'm irritated that I blew $100 and have only 4 survivors.

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i bought two mantises that were said to be fertile female. im glad to say that they were. good job i highly recamend him.


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