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Funny how you have so many mantids on none for sale on your site MJ... :p
yer there all breeding pairs and future layers

jademantid female - mated waiting for ooths

(male) just chilling

devils flowermantis(idols)subadult male and sub adult female

peacockmantis - a very old adult male and subadult female.hoping he holds out.

orhid adult female - need male

then i have 30 L5/L6 flowermantis nympths which im growing to sub adult and adult then sale what i dont need..20£ a pair.that wil be month or 2 away.

4 gambians nympths L5 waiting to become adult so i can mate them

ghostmantis sub adult pair - waiting for them to become adult

adult flowermantis which hasnt got much longer left in her

2 x adult grandis males

5 x ant mantis L5 waiting for them to become adult

So its a waiting game..i bought all my stock around the same time so there all at sub adult stage at min.

I use those:


Made them myself ;)

This is one tank i had to modify today to house my invasion of Chinese hatchlings!

measures 2ft x 1ft x 1.5ft (W x D x H) it is an old clear-seal tank with a home-bodged lid :lol:

oh well if it holds the mantis and FF's in ill be happy.(well kind of,still got 2 chinese ooths hatchin anytime! :eek: )

also got a pic of my hatchery tank which measures 18inch x 10inch x 10inch (W x D x H).

I'm trying to get the holes to plug with the foam. But when i drill the hole the plastic splits. now on wood you just tape it so i did that but it still cracked. Its the plastic ones from mantisplace. What is the best way to do this.

I'm trying to get the holes to plug with the foam. But when i drill the hole the plastic splits. now on wood you just tape it so i did that but it still cracked. Its the plastic ones from mantisplace. What is the best way to do this.
I would also like to know this. Thanks!

I would imagine you do it very slowly, dont rush and force it through, hold it back. I havent tried it yet, will be doing it soon but I would imagine that would stop it splitting so easily. Dont allow the plastic to bend either.

The home of my mantis.

It's 12"x8"x10" (30cm x 20cm x 25cm). For now it houses a male Mantis Religiosa but it will soon receive 4 ghost nymphs (the Religiosa will go to another home).

What do you think? Is it ok? Does it lack anything? Anything I could add to make it look better? :lol:

Ooooooh, you have yours in a paludarium. I've been meaning to set up something similar to that for land crabs, how did you do it?
