MIkael Kuo (Villosa) or Dana Kuo


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Have some more patience next time instead of hounding me for shipment when you know they are going to sit at the post office over the weekend. I did what I thouht was safe for the ooths, you obviously did not think about the lives that are in there.

Anyway, that was the last of them. I won't be back guys so sleep soundly. I have other concentrations to think about now. For the two of you who I promised stuff to, I'll think of something good for you guys, just let me get out of money trouble first, school books and all.

I do not wish to add fuel to the fire, but I have dealt with Villosa recently. I spotted a posting of his where he offered fly pupa for sale. I did a quick check and found he had a good feedback from Mantida under "other breeders" section. I sent him a PM asking for price and availability. Villosa responded in less then 24 hrs and did NOT quote a price or ask for money! He was very up front about not having any left to sell. He did not attempt to scam or lie to get anything from me! While I have not sent him any money, his initial honesty does lead me to be willing to work with him in the future. He could have tried to rip me off but he didn't take advantage!
Wow!! I have always been a stickler for emphasizing the absolute importance of good communication skills to my boys and the teens I interacted with in the past as a volunteer. This is good example of such a situation. I communicated with Michael Kuo a few days back and had the

same experience with him as Hypoponera . Mr. Kuo did not even seem to be concerned so much about payment but more so concerned with what was more convenient for me as his customer. Now, I don't know if this is just a ploy applied to facilitate his evil plan as a con artist :ph34r: but my instincts say the opposite. My little chat with him was both pleasant and refreshing as I have two boys I am caring for (my nephews) and anyone with children knows that there is always something they are in need of or maybe just something they may want. As their guardian I try to give them all I can as they are good boys! And as for their tuition...it is what it is!!. So, when I contacted Mr. Kuo about his recent ad I found it quite refreshing to find someone who held the same ideals I have for some time. In business sometimes we get so caught up in the price of the thing. But, with the economy the way it is now some of us are just trying to stay afloat until things kind of level out. So, when I am confronted with a customer who seems to be counting their beans (so to speak) I try my best to work with them to get the best deal for both of us. And the pay off for me, is just the fact that I am able to help out when I can because I know how it is to be on a budget at times!!! So, this is how I see Mr. Kuo at least until he demonstrates to me personally to be of lesser character but for now I can only see where it goes from here!! Everyone deserves a chance to prove them selves even if at first they floundered a bit by the wayside, not saying this is him but some may prejudge him just based on these posts!! <_< Communication is Key!!! and then...dum dum da duuuum! :angry:

I had earlier posted a negative feedback of Villosa, but I am going to revise this and give him the benefit of the doubt. It was the day before Thanksgiving that my payment was received by him. I would, however, like some kind of correspondence from him. It isn't that hard to say, "Hey, got your payment, will be shipping on (date)." I was very polite with him and it's the least that someone could. Common courtesy would be appreciated.

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I am interested in the Idolomantis ooth however I am still doubt about what you claim after reading your feedback. Could you please ask those who had their ooth hatched to place some feedback on your feedback column? Since you had 6 confirmed hatching, you should be able to get 6 good feedback and I will definately place an order from you. Since on your last classified thread, you said you sold to your fishing buddies, I hope they won't use Idolomantis diabolica nymphs as bait!

I am interested in the Idolomantis ooth however I am still doubt about what you claim after reading your feedback. Could you please ask those who had their ooth hatched to place some feedback on your feedback column? Since you had 6 confirmed hatching, you should be able to get 6 good feedback and I will definately place an order from you. Since on your last classified thread, you said you sold to your fishing buddies, I hope they won't use Idolomantis diabolica nymphs as bait!
Thats right; please show us that the Idolomantis ooth is fertile and you will have many interested people, including me.


I purchased Idolmantis ooths from Villosa deciding to give him a chance as I had already spent so much with Don L. with no return that I figured he deserved a fair chance also. He kept in close touch with me and I received my ooths when he said I would, I took pics of them and they came in a REAL BOX! This one even had sides that were closed! The ooths were perfect in condition and color. I am very happy with this purchase so far and fully intend to post when they hatch, and even if they don't I will post for his benefit and ours. The one reason I say I am happy with the purchase is I know he said they were wild caught, but they are what one would expect an ooth that was fresh and unhatched to look like. The following are the pics of the ooths, one pic is a little darker, but that is my bad picture skills, not the ooths fault! Also notice this box had packing material, unlike Dons which had open air market packing! Also note, the second pic is not the true color of the ooths the first pic is.



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[SIZE=14pt]I got a Ooth from him he pmed me well and the Ooth came it looks good every thing went well so far now let see if thay hatch :) .[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]So I was looking @ this Ooth in the light and it looks like it was cut opened or dose Idolos lay down the foam 1st then center ooth ( the part with the eggs inside also it looks like there isn't anything inside IDK about this. And all the pic are to big to post.[/SIZE]

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I ordered some Ooths from Villosa, which wre shipped out on the 11th August, but there was some problem and I was told they were not shipped out. Was then told on 19th August, they would be shipped again. I've emailed three times as I'm still wating for the two Ooths and have had no reply to any of them so far. I'm hoping this is just an oversight, although, it's getting to be a very long time waiting for delivery. It usually takes just 6-10 days normally to get to the UK.

Has anyone else heard from Villosa, recently. I'm always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt but I need some communication.

I'm getting a tad perturbed.

I also ordered an ooth from him about 2 weeks ago and would ship on monday (august the 24th I think). I have still not recieved the ooth and have not heard from him since. I'm starting to get a little bit worried but I will give the benefit for the doubt right now. I will keep this page updated on the situation.

I also ordered an ooth from him about 2 weeks ago and would ship on monday (august the 24th I think). I have still not recieved the ooth and have not heard from him since. I'm starting to get a little bit worried but I will give the benefit for the doubt right now. I will keep this page updated on the situation.
Me too, but it was for 3 ghost ooths. No response to PM the other day. Case opened with PayPal today. I paid on 8/18. Posting promised to ship on 8/24.


[SIZE=14pt]I got a Ooth from him he pmed me well and the Ooth came it looks good every thing went well so far now let see if thay hatch :) .[/SIZE] [SIZE=14pt]So I was looking @ this Ooth in the light and it looks like it was cut opened or dose Idolos lay down the foam 1st then center ooth ( the part with the eggs inside also it looks like there isn't anything inside IDK about this. And all the pic are to big to post.[/SIZE]

Now I was looking @ this Ooth "ha I say ha 2 it being a Ooth" ya I was looking @ it this morning and, you know the egg test shining light through it just looking then it was clear there isnt anything in side "yes there isnt anything inside I say" so I cut a little bit off nothing there just a line, then I cut a bit more then, a little more then, A little bit more till there are 6 pices of foam yes just foam wow I fill odd.

What A scam Idk who made this Ooth but its foam insulation that can stuff wow what a scam.

[SIZE=18pt]Ok I got the pics, also I did a small test to see what it is made of now Phil may like this. I got out a lighter and very small peace of a peace and and lite it on fire for a sec then "now are siting down right" it smelt like melting plastic so it is man made, oh and I did the same to a small peace of hatched Chinese mantis Ooth and it wasn't a plastic smell idk what the smell was I'll think on it. So it a fake in my book; the smell of plastic, seeing throught the ooth wil a light, the line all the way around it, and then the inside. Now here you go look :D .[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Now how about that[/SIZE]

Now come on, guys, you have to wait until he has bought new polyurethane foam...

polyurethane foam $10

mixing stick $2

Scamming people Priceless

sorry, that was heartless, but i feel sorry for everyone who got scammed. At least someone took the initiative to find out what was going on so kudos to you ArkBlue. Although you may have lost quite a bit of cash, you've really helped a lot of people out man. Let's just hope there aren't anymore people like this.

Hi My fellow forum members, I know I have been quiet this week, but that will end later today, I have a wedding to attend for family at 9 am and must leave in a few minutes, so I will update all on the foamy issues here...stay tuned!

Hi My fellow forum members, I know I have been quiet this week, but that will end later today, I have a wedding to attend for family at 9 am and must leave in a few minutes, so I will update all on the foamy issues here...stay tuned!
good luck with the wedding! hope you enjoy it! when will you be back?
