MIkael Kuo (Villosa) or Dana Kuo


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Now I know why the grass mantis I bought isn't eating!!


could of made a fortune if he was in the movie industry making fake objects for movies and other programs!



9/2/2009 21:48 PDT

no item recieved , no contact from seller after several emails

From Seller - Michael Kuo

9/3/2009 20:59 PDT

I am so sorry David for my severe delay. I ran into a lot of shipping delays due to supply shortage and a few personal problems. I will ship out tomorrow and you will have it definately by Tuesday. I will be sending you two because I am very sorry for not being able to communicate with you.

Sorry again for my lack of communication,


Thank you, sorry i had to open this case,i do understand how busy one can get, i will await shipment ,Thank you,Dave

Hi Dave,

Would it be alright with you if you closed the dispute with me so I may access my paypal again? You can refuse and I would completely understand. Hope the ooths reach you soon.



I will let you know as soon as i get them,.as of today (9-9-09) havent recieved yet

Hi Dave,

I see the package was delivered today. Please close the claim.



Uh, No It wasnt delivered ,like i said i will let you know as soon as i recieve it


It clearly said via tracking it was delivered today to the address listed in paypal.:

Search Results

Label/Receipt Number: 9101 1501 3471 1825 3825 07

Scheduled for Delivery Day: 09/10/2009

Class: Priority Mail®

Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™

Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 2:17 PM on September 10, 2009 in DAYTON, OH 45440.





From Seller - Michael Kuo

9/10/2009 21:06 PDT

Dave, what is your full name.


Ok Dave, big mistake on Paypal's part. Every time I click on your sale it goes to another address. I don't know who I shipped to but I'm letting you know I will reship again to the address you just gave me. Please give me a few days to get my supplies ready.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

you do still have them available right ? and not "used"? or no good?

A Refund was issued.

9/12/2009 08:20 PDT

Back to Resolution Center

Hi My fellow forum members, I know I have been quiet this week, but that will end later today, I have a wedding to attend for family at 9 am and must leave in a few minutes, so I will update all on the foamy issues here...stay tuned!
Well, what a long week it has been, As you all know I had the wedding to go to yesterday and had no time to post here, as bad as I wanted to, then to top it all off I had gotten up at 4 30 am to feed before I had to leave and when I got back yesterday,,,,blab,,,blab, couldnt keep my eyes open to read the emails even and had to go to reception last night and if anyone tells the family it was the reception from Hel..... I will denie it and will erase this part after I think u all got to read it an ahhahahaha, I can only sit for about 30 minutes ata timebecause of my back problem makes my feet fall asleep and they are numb anyways, so the reception was almost 2 hrs away and needless to say, both feet blistered from standing all night in heels cause I dared not sit down again with another 2 hr drive ahead of me and blabbbbbbb. I am blubbering haha. gotta love me!

Well when I received my ooths they looked really good as I posted, there were the little sticks in them and a leaf or whatever, I had no reason to doubt them and to top it all off they even feel authentic! I have had many ooths of this species and they all looked this way except for sometimes the color and hatch marks, ( not to be confused with hash marks :D ). But after Ark blue sent me some pics I thought they still looked ok, only when he cut them open did I realize what we had. I then went and checked mine and sure enough! Foam! I had hubby look at them and he said they were wonderfully made, and believe me that took a lot for him to say so! Only because he is a perfectionist and after showing him real ooths and comparing them was he impressed.

I got hold of Mikael and he email me back saying he was in shock to after reading the posts. Asked me to wait a couple days for the seller to get back to him and to gather the money to refund to me. Well during the time of receiveing the foam ooths an now I had also order the "CP" breed ooths of ghost off of him, that was around the 24 or 28 of aug. But had not heard from him other than one email and wrote him the day or so before of the fake ghost ooths postings, he sent email with tracking no and said they were sent.

Well I wrote him again friday night about the fake ghost ooths and turned the pc off and went to bed. But them got back up, turned on pc and went to paypal and issued claims (after writing Rick asking him not to let Michael delete either for sale post) asking for a refund, here is what they said, the one for the ghost ooths, was:

Hello Rebecca Salutric,

You have opened a dispute for the payment you made to Michael Kuo on Aug

23, 2009 (Transaction ) indicating that you did not

receive the item you purchased.


Transaction details


Seller's Name: Michael Kuo

Seller's Email: [email protected]

Seller's Transaction ID:

Transaction Date: Aug 23, 2009

Transaction Amount: -$250.00 USD

Your Transaction ID:

Case Number:

Buyer's Transaction ID:

Then I got this message I received on paypal:

  • 9/12/2009 01:07 PDT -paypal: A Refund was issued.
  • 9/11/2009 20:10 PDT -buyer: items were not sent when seller indicated they would be, there is tracking no but no information on items. I would like a refund.
So basically since I had not receive the Items and it was about 3 weeks after the money had been sent, I felt I had a better chance of getting my money than if I waited like he asked. Notice the date actually was the 23,

Then I went and filed a claim on the frist purchase of the fake ooths and here is what I said:

  • 9/12/2009 01:08 PDT -paypal: A Refund was issued.
  • 9/11/2009 21:44 PDT -seller: Becky, how can you accuse me of mail fraud when I was unknowingly suckered into selling bad products? We all know there is a risk when buying from out of country. I'm trying my best to work it out with you but please don't threaten me with mail fraud.
  • 9/11/2009 21:44 PDT -paypal: Michael Kuo denied Rebecca Salutric's request for a $125.00 USD refund.
  • 9/11/2009 20:16 PDT -buyer: Seller has constituted fraud, he was selling real insect eggs (oothecas) and sent fake foam eggs, this was sent thru the United States Mail which also is mail fruad. I would like to have my money refunded. I do have the postage labels and the ad postings he posted under his user name on the internet.
I did not see his response until now when I went to paypal to copy the transaction for this post.
I do believe that he realized that I indicated that he had committed Mail Fruad that there really was a chance of his being prosecuted for the action he took and only because of the ad he posted here that the ghost ooths were labeled " cb" . When I emailed him friday night, I told him I could see him being duped with the fake ooths, but not the ghost, those had to be by his own doing. This is why I think he realized that what he did would really put him in trouble he had not counted on being that, most people with the news media and information available today that even the m o b, (careful ain't I...NOW!) are usually caught with nothing more than defruading the us goverment due to the fact that they sent untruthful tax documents thru the us mail.

So what this comes down to is if anyone needs a copy of the ads, ( I havent got to look yet to make sure they are still intact on the forum) they can be faxed to them for their claim use.

At first I was willing to give him a chance, but when I seen the ghost ooths and knew that after 3 weeks I should of had mine, that all was not as it seemed and even though I never thought I would receive the money back, I had to try to do something if only to help someone else get theirs back, after all he used me first for a feedback he did not deserve.

You know what is funny? The fact that the trouble to go to make them and really how much could you get from a few hobbiest? Was it really worth the chance to go to jail when there is so many more to scam to receive a better income that is worth to some to take a chance. After all I sent him 350.00, so if we start adding it up, I wonder how much he made?

I am sorry if I led anyone to purchase from him but they really were the best ooths I have ever seen! Please forgive me and in the future, you will see that if anyone has something to sell, they will have to send it to me first and then get payment, I have done this with people not on the forum, but now for anyone unknown to me on here will get the same deals.

Also his address and bank account for paypal has to be real, and under certain circumstances can be reviewed by law enforcement. Please understand, even with refunds sent, the law has still been broken, and for someone looking to get into, stay in, or finish college, with any crimes against you, you will be thrown out.

Good work Becky, good to see your refunds came through.

Do you have any photos of the ghost ooths?

Also, I'd advise anyone claiming through paypal NOT to file a Significantly Not as Described dispute, because as the transaction was conducted outside of ebay, the transaction will be closed immediately. (Unless they have changed the way they deal with disputes in the past few months.) File an Item not Received dispute.

What's more, if anyone paid by credit card, your easiest route would probably be to file a chargeback through your card company. And just to add to the pain, Villosa will be hit with a £7 chargeback fee, which is an added bonus on the buyers behalf really!

Good to luck those who purchased.

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I'm getting back most of my money regardless. The credit card company is issuing the credit right now. Too bad I had a small balance from a sale for credit, otherwise I would be guaranteed to get the whole amount back.

Chargeback city for villosa! Ooths are being sent back to the fake address! See what that gets ya! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :p :p :p :p

Doesnt hurt to keep the fakes, or send to me, I pay postage, need them for police!

Doesnt hurt to keep the fakes, or send to me, I pay postage, need them for police!
I'm extremely glad that so many of you got refunds, unless this guy reneges and loses his PayPal account. If however, you take this to the police, there is an outside chance that you will be investigated for keeping exotic mantids without a license. I doubt that the police would have any idea about these regulations, but a prosecuter, weighing the merits of the case, might. So far as I know, the amount of even your one payment, Rebecca, would make this a felony, but you are risking a lot to bring him to justice.

Doesnt hurt to keep the fakes, or send to me, I pay postage, need them for police!
Sorry, I returned them to a presumably fake address in San Jose, CA. Another ripped-off member had a different address in a different city. PM me if you want to compare...

Michael, since you are back and reading this...RETURN MY MONEY! OR you'll be hit with credit card chargebacks regardless!!! All in motion now...and where should I send the tracking number for your fakes? michael.ting....or blazinghorsedesigns gmail addresses?

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I started a paypal dispute with him to try and get my money back. He told me to give him a few days to the get the money to me because somebody conned him into buying those ooths. haha what a joke. I told him that he just better give me my money :lol:

I started a paypal dispute with him to try and get my money back. He told me to give him a few days to the get the money to me because somebody conned him into buying those ooths. haha what a joke. I told him that he just better give me my money :lol:
Cool. He's reading this right now...

Stalling no doubt.

Actually, he should know that I also run a business chasing down 'zombie debt'. I have two LAWYERS at my disposal if for some reason I don't get my money back via Paypal or the CC company. Rediculoso for picking the wrong guy to rip off!!!!!!
