Damn lost some really nice pics on the collecting trip in Malaysia. Here are some photos that "survived".......
A huge and cool looking katydid
Some kind of treehopper Mr. Yeh caught. He managed to sell them all to Europe as dead specimen the next day :blink:
Kenneth caught an odd looking thing which looked like a ball of lint, but the insect is pretty active... hard to believe something which appear so artificial could be a living thing. that is sure the most favorite bug for Kenny during this collecting trip!
We also saw a good size poisonous snake, appear to be some kind of pit viper.
Not all snake survive the road
There are many small mantis species but i couldn't find an adult bummer. I think the collecting method doesn't work for catching one. Another pic of a small nymph collected.
I caught a small fly and fed it to the odontomantis spotted earlier... but let the mantis go later i think it has much better chance surviving in the wild than me keeping it in the container for the next 3 weeks.
One of the nymph hatched from the wild collected ooth, they look really cool i released some of them and kept only a few. 3 made it to the USA.
That's about all for the lowland hunt in Ipoh the rest of my photos got burnt bummer
Next we went to Cameron highland, Mr. Yeh didn't follow us but suggested the hunting ground at 1000-2000 ft elevation, so Kenneth and I decided to do the hunt and then go on to the peak (about 5000+ ft) for a day or two vacation. Unfortunately, i lost some pics on the CH foothill hunt too......