My new veiled chameleons


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Still babies. I'll have to measure when I get home. It's hard to see the growth when you see them daily, but my friend Abby said they looked bigger. Maybe they are. I don't know. I'm going to get a gram scale to keep up on their weight gain or loss. It should all be gains for now. Sometimes you have to cut back on their intake if they are getting too large and also to reduce egg clutch size in females.

I would feed both every day as much as they want for now. in 3 months, start feeding the female every other day to prolong her from her first clutch (and lower the amount of eggs). if your room is already warm (72F-78F) then you can even not use a heat bulb for her to bask. or just use a 40w bulb at the most just to add a drop of extra heat to bask.

when the male is 1 years old then he too can be fed every other day.

of course this is just ultra basic advice and a scale is needed to watch for any jumps in waight gain with your female.

dusting can be diminished once both are a year old but when you just know that your female is gravid then start dusting every day or other day lightly.

above all keep reading and learning. they are wonderful and a blessing to be in your household.


The female shed again today. The male seems to be growing at a slower pace or maybe he is younger. I don't know, but he has been smaller from the beginning, so I guess it's "normal".

I like the shedding photos.


Thanks. Are you thinking about "going cham"? They are really cool and I have them eating out of my hand. Not at all aggressive or "stressy" as I had read veileds as being. They will run to the cage door when they see me coming with their feeder "dusting cup". When I say run, I mean RUN. These things can really book it if they want to. I'll have to try to get some tongue shooting pics or maybe a video.

Awesome setup! I've always wanted to get some chams but I just dont have the space for them at the moment. FYI OSH has a lifetime guarantee policy which states that if you purchase a plant from them and it dies (in the pot you purchased it from) they'll replace it for free with proof of receipt. You can try out different plants and see which you like most.

Females get egg-bound, so when the female becomes older, be sure to have some sand filled container at the bottom of your screened enclosure for her to dig in. Also, proper supplimentation of vitamins is key, as is a UVB setup, and a screened enclosure witha misting system. Veilds are awesome! Enjoy!

I've got it covered. I just do hand misting about 4 times a day. A mister is on my "wish list", but I enjoy misting them. Egg bin will be added when the female's older. Supplements are straight-forward. Calcium w/o D3 (Mon-Sat) and every Sunday alternate Multi-vitamins one week and calcium w/D3 the next. I'm seriously thinking of chucking my supplements and going with the Repashy Calcium Plus (all in one at every feeding). Seems like a lot less work and I am reading nothing but good things about it.

Just make sure not to overdo with D3, I'd rather have the control with 2 calcium types.Chams are sensitive to too much D3..

Just make sure not to overdo with D3, I'd rather have the control with 2 calcium types.Chams are sensitive to too much D3..
agreed. your veileds need the type of plain that was already laid out..."Supplements are straight-forward. Calcium w/o D3 (Mon-Sat) and every Sunday alternate Multi-vitamins one week and calcium w/D3 the next."

once both are adults, simple pain calcium will do once a week. vitamins and D3 can be done once a month.

your gutload for crickets and supers are far more important then dusting. if gutloaded properly with fresh greens and fruit you wont need the vitamins all that often. I keep Quads and they can't have any D3 or vitamin supliments. so gutloading is way too important.

that Repashy is not ment for chameleons and should NOT be used.


hmmm. Why do a lot of people on the chameleon forum use it for chameleons? It just sounds like a simple dusting method. I have dubias that are fed fresh veg and fruit. For a treat, they get frosted shredded mini wheats. The sugar side is always the first to go. :lol: It's probably not the best, but they get a frozen chicken taquito every once in a while for a protein boost. They become hiding tubes for the babies when they eat all the chicken out and before the shell is consumed.

I'll keep up with what I've been doing thus far. It seems like it will last a while. :lol: I'll decide what I will do when it runs out. There will also be more information to weigh the pros and cons after it's been on the market a while and more people start using it.

Oh...and I'll add i came home to a freshly shed boy. They're growing fast. I have no idea what colors they are supposed to be. One thing with my boy is he is deformed. His casque (head crown) is bent at the top. I don't know if it will correct itself or not with maturity. It may keep growing more curved. That might be cute, but may cause problems if it becomes too curved. I still haven't picked proper names for them, but with the curved crown, I might name him Cupie. :lol: Maybe...maybe not.

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