Parymenopus davisoni


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I just got my Davisoni nymphs today and man are they tiny but they are just want I always wanted and going to keep these alive as best as I can!I noticed one of them is a tough little bugger as put in a fly almost as big as it is and the mantis took it down after 2 failed attempts but it was amazing to watch!

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It looks like my adult female is finally done. :( She was acting pretty sluggish today. Well she gave me 6 ooths total. Not bad. I normally never get attached, but she is freaking awesome! :) I hope her progeny will be equally awesome? I have decided to put all my efforts in establishing orchids, and yellow orchids. Not for money purposes, but the fact they are both my favorite species. Wish me luck!

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Your success with the yellow Orchids is quite a feat in its self! I'm confident you'll keep up the good work, and focusing on a few species is a good idea, it's what I do as well. ;)

At least you got a jackpot of ooths from her before she fades... I hate it when any of my fertile girls pass, you kinda feel like you worked together to last a long time then boom they're gone.

One last thing is do you have to mist the nymphs daily as I just had one of them mismolt on me and kind of had me saddened and prob if I had known before I would of tried to mist them when I first got them!

One last thing is do you have to mist the nymphs daily as I just had one of them mismolt on me and kind of had me saddened and prob if I had known before I would of tried to mist them when I first got them!
Dude! Your killing me here! After three years of trying to obtain this species. you did not do your homework? Of course mist them at least twice a day. they come from a tropical climate. The humidity in there enclosures should never go below 60% humidity.

Dude! Your killing me here! After three years of trying to obtain this species. you did not do your homework? Of course mist them at least twice a day. they come from a tropical climate. The humidity in there enclosures should never go below 60% humidity.
Your all good no mismolts here? With many more than 4? Just count him as one of the I can't do this sp people?!/!? They are healthy goodness!!!

well I re-read up on that sheet I put on here about this species and doing my damn best to keep them alive now and just got fruit flies as well and keeping my sanity as I do this and trying to do this I shall!

Even a darn l5-chinese mismolted on me today just what need not pressure!

I can do this as I have done orchids and succeeded with them to adults so I live,I learn,I fall down some,But I will not give up and maybe should of asked to wait till they were older perhaps but had to have them!

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Dude! Your killing me here! After three years of trying to obtain this species. you did not do your homework? Of course mist them at least twice a day. they come from a tropical climate. The humidity in there enclosures should never go below 60% humidity.
Wait.... Ur selling now?

I can do this as I have done orchids and succeeded with them to adults so I live,I learn,I fall down some,But I will not give up and maybe should of asked to wait till they were older perhaps but had to have them!
Later when i get out of work, i'm going to post pics of what i keep mine in, and how i keep them.

I've been following the posts on this topic and just want to wish everyone who has the nymphs good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.

And a big congrats to ismart for his success!

I am using net cubes thats all I have besides 32 oz deli cups and so far I think I am getting the hang of things with this species now!

I am using net cubes thats all I have besides 32 oz deli cups and so far I think I am getting the hang of things with this species now!
No! No net cubes. They do not hold enough humidity. Use the 32oz deli cups. They are small enough to live there whole lives in 32oz deli cups. My adult female was just put in a net cube for ooth laying purposes.
