Paypal advice...anyone? (Those USING paypal may want a look)


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Yea, I am thinking now of withdrawing all money I recieve, so thee is no way I can loose LARGE amounts of money.

Making the money back...that has already been done, thanks to paypals partner, ebay.. :roll:

Sorry to hear about that Ian. THat's a hard way to learn a lesson. I'm glad that nothing bad happened to me so far through Paypal, is still a great way for me to deal with buyers, eventhough Paypal charged me %3-%5 for every deal and i don't charge that to buyers. Actually, most of the cheaters i have dealed with try to cheat using methods such as fake travelling cheque, check without signature or sending cash (but without cash in the letter) instead of Paypal.

on another site i go to this happened as well. Paypal is going to keep takeing funds from his account untill you are fully paid back. Can you drive to his buisness? or his house? I have been scamed by people who are stupid enough to give me their info and only live 3-4 hours away form me so i drive on down :twisted: and give them a talk always resulting in a full refund and many apologies and excuses about money problems.

hope he puts a huge sum of money in his account so he can pay you back.



Sorry to hear about your loss. I have ben using Paypal a long time without any troubles. Recently though I had realized I had an item I had paid for on ebay that did not get sent to me after payment through paypal. It worked out ok because, I sent the seller an email explaining I did not recieve the item. The item was sent out the next day and it did arrive. Hope you can recover your money.


Another small potentially money loosing event happened today.

Sell Ipods on ebay...usually have no toruble. Sold one yesterday was getting ready to post it off tomorrow, but received an email from ebay today saying they have deducted the £138 I had received from the guy for the Ipod, becuase the money that had been sent was previously involved in a fraudulent case.

Well, glad I didn't send it off!

I have come to the conclusion...I will no longer be keeping money in my paypal account... :D

At least no money lost this time.

I notice no ones replied to this for a long time, I hope you managed to get your money back but if paypal weren't playing fair and you funded your paypal account with your credit card then I /think/ you can contact your bank and have them reverse it directly back to you although I understand that this takes a while but is usually successfull from what I've heard although every situation is different, cant hurt to try.

either way thats why i hooked up a credit card to paypal...if no gets bad, i have fraud protection
Um... I wouldn't bet on that...

"According to PayPal accepting their ToS (Terms of Service) in effect means you waive your rights to credit card consumer protection laws if you want to use their service, and that you may not issue a chargeback for unauthorized use of your credit card and PayPal account, or if you do, then they have the right to limit your account. Is this legal? We don't know. But it's how Paypal operates."

I hope you all think twice about using paypal as your main mode of paying. Read more at

I believe it is Google's form of Paypal, or a payment processing method which is very similar. We only have to know that if it is from Google, service will be good, if it is from eBay, we will have large bills to pay.

Makes me sick to think how much paypal have made from me in the time I have been using them!

Not sure I follow.

If I send something to someone with tracking, they can't claim it never got there. Is there another way one loses money in their Paypal account?

Also, if you pay with a check or money order, do you have any method of getting you money back?

I used eBay and PayPal before. Nobody has been too evil to me, just some stolen accounts people used to send me money. Anyway, I can't think of any way you can get money back when you use money order. I read that people lose a lot of money on Western Union transfers.


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