President Obama


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I have unfortunately never been able to try "native Guinness", but if the stuff here is awful then I will definitely have to try the real Guinness. I still like it better than most of the other beer available to me. :mellow:

Who cares that "your's" tastes better "over there" than the swill here.

Probably the reason the president was telling jokes was to avoid letting it pass his lips. Always so PC.
what age are you PATRICK 16? that was an extremely childish reply so childish it made me laugh out loud , your irish name also added extra humour to your comment paddy :lol:

ilikebugs luckily i can try it when ever i want :) and it is YUMMMMMMMMMMMM , im on about pints of guinness , the cans/bottles are identical in taste really

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guinness is gorgeous , obama and his wife couldnt get enough of it , you yanks dont get the real guinness i had a pint in new york and it was awful
Thats why we have homemade Muscadine wine, and apple pie moonshine. We had to perfect something B) . I do love real guinness BTW. :D

its not a contest of who has the best beer/drink lol i was just saying guinness doesnt travel well :clover: thats all :p

"what age are you PATRICK 16? that was an extremely childish reply so childish it made me laugh out loud , your irish name also added extra humour to your comment paddy :lol: "

Glad I could make you laugh. But age has nothing to do with discerning taste. ...& NO, I'm not 16 (a quick check of my profile would tell you I am 40. I am a bit older, but have tasted lots of stuff to know that I'd rather enjoy a fragrant durian than put this swill down my gullet. I also don't see that being Irish should make it funnier, but enjoy yourself and have another.

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I guess everyone has their opinions. :rolleyes: I have found that not many people like Guinness at all around here, but the ones that do like it, like it alot. :lol: I will have to add that I would never intentionally drink :poop: , and it is amusing how some of us can feel so strongly about the quality and taste of beers. :lol:

I guess everyone has their opinions. :rolleyes: I have found that not many people like Guinness at all around here, but the ones that do like it, like it alot. :lol: I will have to add that I would never intentionally drink :poop: , and it is amusing how some of us can feel so strongly about the quality and taste of beers. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: i like guinness mixed to make a black and tan. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

I just realized how off topic this thread has become. :p But I like discussing beer, and couldn't help myself. :devil2:

Duly noted, Mr. Mantid! What are your views on abortion, same-sex marriage and Medicare? :D
Howdy Phil,

Sorry Phil, I did not see this post until tonight. I believe abortion is wrong, because it is murder. I believe same-sex marriage is also wrong because marriage is between a man and a wife. I do not know too much about Medicare so I can not give an honest opinion about it.



Howdy Phil,

Sorry Phil, I did not see this post until tonight. I believe abortion is wrong, because it is murder. I believe same-sex marriage is also wrong because marriage is between a man and a wife. I do not know too much about Medicare so I can not give an honest opinion about it.


Thanks for the reply, Mr. M! It never does any harm to testify about your convictions and I am sure that you will have ample opportunity to do so in college where you will meet committed gay couples and women who have chosen to have an abortion. You don't support your beliefs here, and I never asked you to, but if you have not done so already, I suggest that in addition to your science texts (did yoou get any of the ones I suggested?) you con up on your fundamentalist (I think that that is a fair term?) views.

You will be attacked from many quarters and required by Christians who oppose your views to support them with chapter and verse. One form of attack will demand to know why you so strongly attack abortion and homosexual marriage while overlooking the strictures on divorce in, say Matthew 9:19 Surveys show that there is little or no difference in the divorce rates of protestants than in the general population. Non Christians will ask the same question except that they will ask about Christianity's long acceptance of slavery when it was in fashion, from the Old and New Testaments until the abolition of slavery and about the tradition of "attainder of blood" long since discarded by modern society but at the very heart of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.

I have long since lost much interest in such arguments; they never seem to make the opposition change sides, but I am a lover of language, and when you call abortion "murder" then in my book, you are committing a mortal sin. Abortion and birth control -- and you know how those little pills work, right? -- are not illegal in the US, and "murder" is by definition is the "unlawful taking of human life, usually with malicious premeditation." Your dictionary may differ in the exact wording but "unlawful" is the key adjective. Murder does not mean "a kind of killing that I really, really dislike." Call such killing "wanton", "heinous" or "clearly contrary to God's Divine Will", and I'll smile indulgently, but don't try to enforce your private opinions by giving them a legal force that they do not have and distorting a perfectly good word to serve your own ends.

Go get 'em Mr. Mantid! :D

Marriage is about two people who love each other who want to commit to a lifetime together.

That's how I've been raised to understand it and still how I understand it today.

Gender should have nothing to do with marriage. Two people who want to be married should. End of story. There is no reason marriage should be exclusive to a straight couple if their aims are identical to those of a gay couple.

Abortion is as murderous as not using every single one of your sperm cells if you ask me.

Some are born some are not. Stopping one from being born whilst trillions of possible souls will be denied birth by things other then abortion is very minor. Life is about chance , and chances are out of the huge amounts of possible children that a couple could have only a few will succeed in living. Millions will perish into non existence. abortion is just adding one more of those denied souls to millions of others who because of fate could not be born. Not a big deal. Just life carrying on. And it's not even like they are souls that rival ours. We're talking about fetuses.

And if someone is raped why would they want to keep the child? I have no hard feelings for people getting abortions in such scenarios.

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Marriage is about two people who love each other who want to commit to a lifetime together.

That's how I've been raised to understand it and still how I understand it today.

Gender should have nothing to do with marriage. Two people who want to be married should. End of story. There is no reason marriage should be exclusive to a straight couple if their aims are identical to those of a gay couple.

Abortion is as murderous as not using every single one of your sperm cells if you ask me.

Some are born some are not. Stopping one from being born whilst trillions of possible souls will be denied birth by things other then abortion is very minor. Life is about chance , and chances are out of the huge amounts of possible children that a couple could have only a few will succeed in living. Millions will perish into non existence. abortion is just adding one more of those denied souls to millions of others who because of fate could not be born. Not a big deal. Just life carrying on. And it's not even like they are souls that rival ours. We're talking about fetuses.

And if someone is raped why would they want to keep the child? I have no hard feelings for people getting abortions in such scenarios.
I disagree.

Gender has everything to do with marriage.


1. The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

Notice that it does not say a "man and a man" or "woman and a woman" Will two Hyrdogen atoms form an Oxide ion? No, Oxide contains a Hydrogen atom and an Oxygen atom. You cannot form an Oxide atom out of 2 hydrogen atoms joining or 2 oxygen atoms joining. Likewise two men or two woman cannot form a marriage. Marriage is defined as one man and one woman, as Oxide is defined as an Oxygen atom with a Hydrogen atom.

Individual sperm and egg cells are only alive in the same sense that any other human cell is "alive". A fetus differs than an individual sperm or egg cell as it is a LIVE HUMAN BEING with rights and a soul just like the rest of us.

Life isn't about chance, it's about purpose among other things. We began to exist for a reason, a purpose, not by some lucky dice throw that we began with that is continually going on.

Why should a rape victim keep their child? You recognise the unborn baby, (zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus) as a child. A child is a human being. The unlawful killing of a human being is murder. Therefore abortion is wrong. Rape is a tragic thing, but that tragedy shouldn't be compounded by another crime: Murdering the baby.

Looks like we're getting into ALL those topics that shouldn't be discussed if one wants to maintain a sense of civility! :eek:
If peoples cannot maintain a sense of civility I will not debate them. Likewise if I cannot maintain a sense of civility it's better for me to end the discussion in silence. So far everyone has been playing nice :)

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