Amazing size difference in males to females, at least the last male doesn't look like a minor. Congrats, looks like you'll have another generation ready to hatch.
@ New hatches today. The first I am so excited about. Phyllothelys breve. Also a hatch of Hestiasula major. I seem to have more of the golden Hierodula majusculas than green this generation. The first of the heterochaeta have molted to adult. It is a male
Congrats with the hatches! How many Phyllothelys hatched? I heard that hatch rates for this species is kind of low?
And glad to see your Hestiasula ooth hatched! Mine mated and her first ooth hasn't hatched in 1.5 months. Not sure what happened there, maybe the mating wasn't successful.
Some quick pics of the current babies and adults Hypsicorypha gracilis. Mating Orchids. Prohierodula picta green and brown. I had a surprise hatch of Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii in the breve container lol. The ooth was on an old stick but I didn't see it and used it for my female breve. She was standing in the middle of 50 + babies. Gonatista grisea was a great surprise Hierodula majuscula
nice work so far! My Hierodula membranacea female seems to be nearing her next molt to subadult ALREADY, it has been only about two weeks since her last one xD