I am going to start with my Carolinas, as they are who got me started, so naturally I have to favor them a bit.
So far I have had two ooths hatch which I acquired from Thomas. Thank you Thomas! I have finally narrowed down my breeding stock from the two hatches (about 8), and released/ sold everyone else.
The first batch hatched 4/30/16 and are are somewhere between L4 and L6 now, and their color variety is really starting to show! I am very impressed with the range of colors they have had so far, aywhere from lime/neon green, to pale green, to brown with green legs, and brown/gray/ black speckly! All were raised in the exact same conditions, so it is my conclusion that it is total luck of the draw with them and their colors. Unfortunately, only one of my pale green girls was cooperating for pictures last night, so here she is!