Spiney flower mantis


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I hope they will be ok - yesterday they managed to tackle some aphids - at least one per each mantid, but now they are ignoring any food - maybe it's time for their first moult.

I like them already - so small and still they can take down D. Hydei - this is a good sign...

But I will buy other flower mantids as well - they are amazing!

Got some pics, grouchy lil bugger, didnt have his blue eyes much today :(





I'm now left with only three out of six, two are constantly vomiting and refusing any kind of food, and they look as if they were about to die too...

I wish I never bought this species - I'm very disappointed.

I'm now left with only three out of six, two are constantly vomiting and refusing any kind of food, and they look as if they were about to die too...I wish I never bought this species - I'm very disappointed.
Hmmmmm......have you fed them crickets, or something with/ate/touched/whatever carrots(Some people use carrots as cricket food.)? Carrots make mantids sick, and that usually doesn't happen with nymphs that are fed fruitflies pratically their whole nymph life, unless it involves really bad bacteria you have in the container/culture, or carrots. Maybe you should try to resolve that first, before you get the devil flower mantis, cause they may be a disspointment and a waste of money as well, if they start vomitting too. :(

No - fruit flies colony is ok - O. Planiceps and P. Paradoxa ate those fruit flies and they were ok. I feed crickets only to mantids after 5-6 molt - and I don't use carrots.

Things were looking up - they stopped vomiting and started eating once again! But today one moulted badly - its legs were stuck in the old carapace - completely deformed! The last pair of legs had to be removed - I fear that it is a goner.

Plus - I lost one when I dropped the lid on which it was sitting - I could not find it - searched everywhere, but to no avail. I removed as many Daddy Long Legs spiders from my room as I could - maybe it will find its way to the ceiling, but the chances are slim...

Mendicas will be after their second molt - I think that they should be just about big enough to tackle the Indianmeal and Wax Moths - I got two colonies of the first species and five of the latter - so plenty of food, and a very good one.

WOOOHOOOO!!!! Got my first PO ooth!!! Finally!!! Took 8 days after mating. Pretty small compared to a PW, but around average size for PO.
Doesn't look exactly the same as Yen's, since mine are lightera little(The picture makes it look darker). Maybe has to do with the wood? How many eggs do you think are inside there? How long does it take for them to hatch? So then the overview of hatching a PO ooth is to put it in a container with 60% humidity(Spray every other day), keep it above 70 degrees, and wait? About right? Thanks!

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WOOOHOOOO!!!! Got my first PO ooth!!! Finally!!! Took 8 days after mating. Pretty small compared to a PW, but around average size for PO.
Doesn't look exactly the same as Yen's, since mine are lightera little(The picture makes it look darker). Maybe has to do with the wood? How many eggs do you think are inside there? How long does it take for them to hatch? So then the overview of hatching a PO ooth is to put it in a container with 60% humidity(Spray every other day), keep it above 70 degrees, and wait? About right? Thanks!
It looks exactly the same as mine, but where/when did i show you pic of my P. ocellata ooth? P. Ocellata ooth and P. Wahlbergii ooth appear similar to me. SOme could be slightly lighter or darker. I keep my ooth at 85F/60%, mist once every other day. Hatching rate is usually around 20-50 nymphs per ooth.

I just went to your website, where you had pics. :lol: Your PW ooth looks almost black.


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Yay i finally got them ID`ed as whalbeergii, but bulls@#t i have absolutly no where to get a female from, honestly mantid breeding is such a ###### hobby, yeah sure witnessing it is amazing and mantids are unuseral but what the bloody heck are you ment to do when you end up with all males?! spend another £30 and wait another few months?! <_< damn there isnt an angry enough smily



New ooth from a different female came through. First is wider, and the second is longer.

*Sigh* Poor Morpheus...How many species do you have?

I am totally dismayed by this mantis - it's so annoying! Five out of six are dead - luckily there were some mantids still to but, so I bought five.

I'll try to keep them in small groups - they are not hostile towards each other, and maybe keeping them in groups will prompt them to hunt more eagerly.

I am totally dismayed by this mantis - it's so annoying! Five out of six are dead - luckily there were some mantids still to but, so I bought five.I'll try to keep them in small groups - they are not hostile towards each other, and maybe keeping them in groups will prompt them to hunt more eagerly.
i have a male and female sub adult in post any day now..and im planning on putting them in separate tanks until they breed.also when i get the babys i hope to separte them mayby..if i have enough plastic cups...lol

No way!

Do not keep these together, thier quite aggressive, well all the ones ive seen are, and hi macro junkie :D

They sit, or rather hang, next to each other - and they totally ignore themselves - besides - containers are quite big (height 9 cm, and 8 cm in diameter), so they have plenty of space and a lot of Melanogaster, Hydei and Aphids provided - they seem comfortable.

No way!Do not keep these together, thier quite aggressive, well all the ones ive seen are, and hi macro junkie :D
hey buddie.im getting in to this breeding game..hopefully it goes well for me..with u guys helping me im sure i can do it.
