Tadpole Progression Log


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the tads r developing reticulation


red arrows point to developing front legs (u can see them under the skin)


some even r starting to have protruding front legs

many use their back legs to aid in swimming

Cool thead... keep it up! :) You're taking good care of them! Well more babies... congrats papa! Haha!

Myne just hatched !!!
YAY!!! :clap:

they will start eating in 3-4 days

blanch up some lettuce, chop it finely, store it in the freezer

i thaw it in the microwave then take off as much as i need from the frozen block, rest goes back in freezer, what i use will go in microwave until fully thawed ;)

good luck!! mine r gettin front legs at 7 weeks old :wub:

Yesterday, my family and I went to Sprague Brook Park. After we hiked, I waded deep into the freezing water and managed to capture a green frog tadpole. He/she is 1 1/2'-2" long, and I named it Kermit.

at what time did you stopped feeding them lettuce and began with fish food?
