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I have sad news: Tybalt is dying. I found him on the floor of his home. Too bad he never had the chance to mate.


Yesterday he ate some flies, was active like normal but today he is slowly fading away... Maybe the stress of not able to mate was too much. Now there is black spots in his eyes too.

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I have made him comfy as possible. Sitting on a bed of fake flowers.(better than laying on his back) I gave him some honey water. He drank from it. I dont think he will make the night.


This I made this morning: Tybalt on his flower bed in the sun. This was an experience I wanted to give him before he goes to mantis heaven.

Tybalt died yesterday  and Ayaweya decided to grow up. She molted yesterday to adult. She has finally her wings.


Oh it is not going wel with Aurene. I saw she was trying to push out black stuff. i thought it was poop, I cleaned it and i think it is (rotten) ooth material and found out she is sluggish😖maybe she will drink honey water, but i have a bad feeling about this....

I hope Aurene is ok!
no, she isn't.....😢 sadly enough Aurene is dying. She was trying to lay an ooth but somehow it didn't work. There is a kind of greenish "poop" in her home.  She had a difficult molt. Maybe this is an after effect of that. She can't hang anymore after I cleaned her....


...and this brownish color in her face.....

Bah, is hard to loose 2 mantids in a few days.

Update on Aurene: she is detoriating very fast. Her face is turning more brown. she barely moves. I said to her she can go to mantis heaven.  I cleaned her butt again so she won't die with a dirty butt.

Tomorrow morning she will be dead... poor girl.

She tried to push out more ooth foam  (black), but no use. Why didn't she just lay her ooth sooner? Was something already wrong her with since her last molt? that was difficult. Her first week with barely eating? I will miss her.

What could I have done for her? I had placed her in a bigger home with sticks to lay on. Sighs.... can I prevent this? or was it bad luck for Aurene?

Aurene is gone. I buried her in the mantis cemetery in my garden. Her face was discolored except for the eyes. She was a good mantis. Very curious, liked to explore. She was nice.

Rytlock molted a few days ago, . Now is Tarzan inflating his wings😎 I hope Alana will grow to adulthood too. Ghosty is not far from molting either if I look at his wing buds.

Ayaweya looks perfect like Tybalt did. I love H. masjusculas❤️

 I buried Tybalt. His abdomen was discoloring. I think I had to clean his abdomen too. I  will try it again when another mantis go to mantis heaven.

I made a seond mantis photo book. Tybalt is in there too. He and Aurene will never be forgotten.

Tarzan at this moment

  Ayaweya with her beautiful colors.

  Spooky and ghosty.

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