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I am a bit worried about Aurene.Iit seems like she has no good control over her limbs. She was always calm and taking her time where to set her feet. Now she is hasty bit stressed and not taking time to find a steady spot to put her feet.  Her wings are not totally closed. Maybe something went wrong with molt? Her body looks nomal at the outside.

I wanted to take a pic of her when I saw this in her.🤔


I didnt see her molting because I had to leave my home for a night  because of danger (totally not fun)

Yes, her wings look like they may not have dried correctly. Hopefully, she ie otherwise fine. 

So sorry you missed her molt! Hopefully, everyone was allowed to return to their homes and is safe now.

I hope Aurene is okay ❤️

She is beautiful, even if her wings did not dry correctly! If her wings don't close soon, they'll stay like that, but it won't be a bother to her at all.

- MantisGirl13

But but she hasn't good control over her limbs. When she climbs if it like she is doing it for the first time. Totally not relaxed. She was very relaxed befor her molt.

I gave her some honey water, she took that, She was thirsty. Hand feeding her a part of prey goo didn't work well, maybe I should give her tomorrow some dubia goo. and hope she will turn to her calm self again.

If the wings doesn't close I don't mind. I don't think she will use them to fly. Her legs that is important.

Aurene got some dubia goo in her. I had to force feed her sadly enough :( . But she needed some food in her belly. She is most comfortable when she is hanging upside down. She is cleaning herself now. Yesterday I had put a grasshopper with her (a size she could easely handle. Cochise ate them too at this size) But she didn't eat it,  I put grasshopper with the others  so it can eat too. Iomorrow I will put it back and I hope Aurene will hunt it and eat it.

Here Aurene hanging.

I hope the goo will stimlate her hunger feeling and her control over her legs will get better. I have never seen this in a freshley molted mantis. I can't let her explore my desk because of risk of falling and maybe hurting herself.

Leftovers of dubia is being eaten by Tybalt and Tarzan. Ayaweya need to molt soon and she has nicely filled abdomen.

Are her wings any better? I hope she perks up soon! Have you given her honey?

- MantisGirl13

No change in her wings. they look the way they they are now. Aurene drank today a bit honey and a bit grasshopper goo with honey. but eating is still bad for a mantis of her size. Again i put a grasshopper with her and hopes she will eat it. I am thinking something neurological went wrong during her molt. That gives her stress I think. She feels fine in the upside dowm position. en she acts normal. She is now cleaning herself.

No change in her wings. they look the way they they are now. Aurene drank today a bit honey and a bit grasshopper goo with honey. but eating is still bad for a mantis of her size. Again i put a grasshopper with her and hopes she will eat it. I am thinking something neurological went wrong during her molt. That gives her stress I think. She feels fine in the upside dowm position. en she acts normal. She is now cleaning herself.
I'm glad that she is eating a little bit! IF she acts normal, she should be ok, even if she is deformed. 

- MantisGirl13

when Aurene is hanging at the lid she looks normal, but  in the other positions she is not comfortable. When i was cleaning her home she started to climb my desk, but somehow it looked too hasty to me and the poor girl fell. 🤔 letting her roam my desk is a no, I don't want her to get hurt. I hope the control over her legs will get better so climbing will be normal again. She has all her tarsi intact, that is not the problem.

I'm glad that she is eating a little bit!
It isn't much, but she got honey water and a bit of goo into her, and that is better than nothing. But i hope that I don't find the grasshopper in her home  tomorrow and that it is eaten.

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This worked better : feeding her when she hangs,. The grasshopper I had put in her home, was still not eaten the next day.. so I decide to feed her this way. This worked much better. She drank honey water and ate a bit grasshopper goo. I will feed her everyday like this now.

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I ordered a new female H. membranacea. I dont think Aurene will be able to mate with my males. I hope my new female will reach adulthood healthy. I keep caring for Aurene till she dies. She is in her home, being very alert and hanging like a healthy mantis do.

Aurene looks ok, but with wings like that, mating could be difficult. I hope that your new female gets to adult safely! 

- MantisGirl13

Aurene still don't have good control over her legs that was why I was thinking, mating is not the thing for her, I didn't even think about her wings, but you are right it will be difficult for a male to mount her.  Lets say Aurene is a bit handicapped now. And sadly no more molt to change that.

I hope Aurene will get used to the handfeeding and she will eat better. I will feed her roach goo tomorrow. There is more goo in a roach than in a grasshopper. She is not holding her prey herself yet, but i hope she will do it  soon. saves me cramp in my hand ;)

I have to think about for a name for the new girl, but I have a couple of days for that. ;)


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