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  1. M


    I recieved a d. gorochovi and sphodromantis from Jaunte, and it was a smooth process. Quick response time and they arrived healthy and well-packaged!
  2. M

    What did I just find?

    Think I've figured it out: Emesaya brevipennis Seems to be the closest match based on photos. Thanks guys.
  3. M

    What did I just find?

    Been a few years since I posted here. I kept mantids for several years in the past. Had a career change, and a cross country move, and in the process gave it up. So I'm quite out of the loop, I guess you could say. Anyway, on to the issue at hand: Found this little fella tonight, in...
  4. M

    Who says Bees/wasps are dangerous?

    I used to feed my mantids scorpions. We have many small (2" or less) scorpions in the desert foothills here, so they were an easy source of food. I had many months of no problems, but one did manage to sting an adult lineola I had, and and it seemed to have a paralyzing effect. Within about...
  5. M

    My mantid is suicidal/sadomasochistic

    Dunno why she did it, but she is still alive at least.
  6. M

    Update (strange) on the Solifugid I found

    It will drink droplets of water, but so far it hasn't shown any interest in small crickets, roaches, or small mantids (sorry but I got too many!). It's still out today, but moves like it's sleepwalking. I tried raising the temp, and that didn't help either.
  7. M

    Update (strange) on the Solifugid I found

    She/he is still out and about tonight. Seems agitated, but moving very slowly still. Doesn't appear that it's molted to me. Still not interested in food at all. Here's a pic I took just now:
  8. M

    My mantid is suicidal/sadomasochistic

    Came home to a strange sight last night. One of my sphods was eating one of her own arms! She is well fed, and actually is quite plump. She was holding the arm with her other arm, and just chomping away casually. Last I saw her, she had no injury, and I suspect she didn't recieve one after...
  9. M

    Update (strange) on the Solifugid I found

    Another update: She/he came to the surface today. Still looks somewhat fat, but moving very slowly and lethargically. I offered it a small cricket, but it ignored it. It's just wandering around the enclosure slowly. This thing hasn't eaten since I caught it, which was in September, and I...
  10. M

    my spider pics

    Beauties! I really like jumping spiders. But the widows, ugh. That's one of the few bugs I've never liked.
  11. M

    Any big appetite photos?

    Yea mantids can be brutal, if you are prey. Being impaled and squeezed tight by those arms, then ripped alive by the lethal jaws. Ugh, what a way to go. At least a spider or scorpion poisons the prey. Makes me glad I'm 'top of the food chain' too ;) Could you imagine a mantid the size of...
  12. M

    jumping spider's venom

    Those look awfully like the ones I used to keep. And I've been bitten numerous times with no effect. Cool spiders.
  13. M

    Any big appetite photos?

    No worries, I confirmed it's a tomato hornworm moth, which we have oodles of here in the summer time.
  14. M


    I did't care for the setup, ie sticking them in such a confined space, but other than that it was cool. Shows just how cutthroat nature and survival can be. Survival of the fittest, at all cost. Makes me glad to be a human, that's for sure.
  15. M

    Any big appetite photos?

    Subadult Heirodula munching on a big moth: Munching on a lizard. Sorry for the blurriness:
  16. M

    jumping spider's venom

    I used to breed/keep jumping spiders, but I'm not familiar with the 'bold' or 'daring' jumping spider. Is that describing its temperment or is it a species? In any case, I have been bitten at least two dozen times, and I never had a problem. Except that I lost a finger. Oh, and the nervous...
  17. M

    problems with lobster roaches

    I had to get rid of my colony of roaches also. My wife just wasn't comfortable with them around, and I had a couple escape. She saw one scurry across the floor, and well that was that! My mantids actually LOVED them. They'd hunt them down like they were a feast on legs. But, they are...
  18. M

    D. Lobata pics

    Looks exactly like the "katydids" we have here in the summer, which I believe is actually some sort of tree cricket. Great pics btw.
  19. M

    Heirodula patellifera mating, this pair really enjoys it

    Well what do you know, he finally left her tonight, and she let him no less! Actually, he suddenly "let go" and he fell to the bottom of the enclosure, so I guess she didn't have a chance to grab him. He's safe now back in his own cell. Very odd, I've never had a mantid couple stay together...
  20. M

    Heirodula patellifera mating, this pair really enjoys it

    I have a pair of this species that has been mating off and on for 6 days now. 6 days! The male has been on her back for 6 days, and they will mate for about 12 hours, stop for about the same time, then mate again for 12ish hours. I have never had a pair like each other so much! I'm actually...